Hello Benjamin,
This is a very detailed technical questions. The focus of this community is more on general product information and exchange.
Your question would be best addressed through existing support channels.
Hope this helps
Manfred Oevers
Senior Manager MDM Development - MDM Program Management, Machine Learning and Consent Management
IBM Research & Development GmbH
Original Message:
Sent: Fri February 07, 2020 05:32 AM
Subject: createSuspects
Will running createSuspects: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSWSR9_11.6.0/com.ibm.mdmhs.txn.ref.doc/r_createSuspects.html
I noticed that the transaction description only states partyId. However if I use a wrapper transaction, which contains an adminContEquiv to enable the wrapper to find the partyId, and pass both the partyId and adminContequiv into the createSuspects transaction via a TCRMSuspectComponent instance I get extra suspects. Specifically if there is no suspect then I always get the party I sent in returned as a suspect too.
Following on from this I surmise that i can miss the whole find the partyid from the adminContEquiv part of the wrapper and pass into createSuspects only an adminContEquiv.
Is this correct?