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  • 1.  Unable to post a blog

    Posted Tue May 07, 2024 09:42 AM


    I want to write a blog post about monitoring locking issues in DB2 LUW.
    The issues while using EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES.

    Enhancements needed on SYSINSTALLOBJECTS procedure to create better indexes on tables for LOCKING related tables.
    Manual actions needed by DBA to create these needed indexes.

    Pitfalls while writing lock event monitor data to formatted tables directly vs writing to unformatted tables and later formatting the data.

    But when I try to blog, it gives me an error. And in the URL it shows insufficient privilege (https://www.ibm.com/community/insufficientprivilegespage?Roles=Tenant+Blogger)

    How can get the needed privilege to write a blog about something useful in this community?


    Bujji Phanikiran V

  • 2.  RE: Unable to post a blog

    Posted Tue May 07, 2024 11:57 AM

    Found the answer here :
    Blogging on the TechXchange Community - IBM TechXchange Community

    Bujji Phanikiran V