Hi George,
Db2 Admin Foundation is generally available, no-charge product and can be downloaded from shopZ. Zowe is foundational piece or pre-req to Admin foundation. IDAA Services (API) is Documented here ->
https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/daafz/7.5?topic=installing-db2-analytics-accelerator-administration-services. The Services provide the API s to drive the flow from Db2 Admin Foundation for IDAA Administration.
My email is
skamesw@us.ibm.com. Kindly reach out to me in case of additional questions/concerns. I look forward to working with you to understand your plans and help with the roll out.
Original Message:
Sent: Thu July 14, 2022 07:26 AM
From: George Meadows
Subject: Support End-Date IDAA Plugin on Data Studio?
Good morning,
We are looking at a timeline to purchase IBM Db2 Admin Foundation. One of the main reasons is to enable us to support IDAA. A question was asked when the end of support was for the IDAA Plugin we use on IBM Data Studio
Where can I find this information?
George Meadows