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  • 1.  Running Streams Samples in Python

    Posted Wed August 19, 2020 05:24 PM


    I'm an IBMer at research and I need to build a demo in Python using Streams. I am new to Streams and learning it by following the samples provided on your website. I tried to follow the following example code, but I ended up with "ValueError: STANDALONE must be submitted when an IBM Streams install is present." I'd like to know what is the minimum requirement for running the following code on windows 10 and how to make it work. Could you please shed some light on this?

    Sample code:

    from streamsx.topology.topology import Topology import streamsx.topology.context def words_in_dictionary(): return {"qualify", "quell", "quixotic", "quizzically"} def does_not_contain_a(tuple): return "a" not in tuple def main(): topo = Topology("filter_words") words = topo.source(words_in_dictionary) words_without_a = words.filter(does_not_contain_a) words_without_a.for_each(print) streamsx.topology.context.submit("STANDALONE", topo) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

    Note that I installed the streamsx package, and tried to run the sample code from within PyCharm.




  • 2.  RE: Running Streams Samples in Python

    Posted Thu August 20, 2020 06:31 AM

    The context type "STANDALONE" requires IBM Streams installation and is NOT supported on Windows!

    You need a local Streams installation, like Streams Quick Start Edition (docker):


  • 3.  RE: Running Streams Samples in Python

    Posted Thu August 20, 2020 06:46 AM

    The following guide covers "Developing IBM Streams Applications with Python":
