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question on genBSON()

  • 1.  question on genBSON()

    Posted Fri March 31, 2023 06:56 PM

    Playing around with genbson() to create some JSON output, I have the following query:

    database sysmaster;
    select first 10 genbson(ROW(p.dbsname, p.tabname, p.seqscans, t.ti_npdata, t.ti_pagesize), 1, 1)::JSON
    from sysptprof p
    inner join systabinfo t on t.ti_partnum = p.partnum
    where p.tabname not like 'sys%'
      and p.tabname not matches 'ph_*'
      and p.dbsname not like 'sys%'
    order by p.seqscans desc;

    The first line of output generated by the above is "


    But I want to change the labels 'ti_npdata' and 'ti_pagesize' to 'data_pages' and 'page_bytes'.  I attempted to add "AS newname" in the projection clause, but I believe the fact that this is inside the ROW() block is causing problems.  What I ended up with is:

    select first 10 genbson(ROW(p.dbsname, p.tabname, p.seqscans, t.ti_npdata as data_pages, t.ti_pagesize as page_size), 1, 1)::JSON
    from sysptprof p
    inner join systabinfo t on t.ti_partnum = p.partnum
    where p.tabname not like 'sys%'
      and p.tabname not matches 'ph_*'
      and p.dbsname not like 'sys%'
    order by p.seqscans desc;

    The result of this is a -201 syntax error.

    As a simple SELECT, it would work:

    select p.dbsname, p.tabname, p.seqscans, t.ti_npdata as data_pages, t.ti_pagesize as page_bytes
    from sysptprof p
    inner join systabinfo t on t.ti_partnum = p.partnum
    where p.tabname not like 'sys%'
      and p.tabname not matches 'ph_*'
      and p.dbsname not like 'sys%'
    order by p.seqscans desc;

    Any suggestions on how to get the desired labels in the JSON output?

    mark collins