Db2 Tools for zOS

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Query Monitor enhancement - Please support

  • 1.  Query Monitor enhancement - Please support

    Posted Tue February 08, 2022 01:37 PM
    One of my colleagues submitted an AHA to enhance Omegamon Query Monitor data collection concerning SQLCODE and packages.  Below is the text of the proposal:


    The SQLCODEs screen is useful for tracking down SQL issues but when you drill into the details for a specific SQLCODE or change the grouping to PLAN/PACKAGE/USER/etc the screen looses the total count of the SQL errors and only gives you the count that it has details collected. The screen should be able to still tell you how many times that grouping had that SQLCODE and how many details are collected for that grouping..
    Example - plan MYDB2PLN had 6,721 -803 errors and we have details on 21 of them...today it just tells you that MYDB2PLN has 21 -803s because that is all it has details for. Screen shots attached

    Please consider this request and vote for it.

    George Meadows
