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  • 1.  PRI/HDR/RSS logical recovery from logical log backups using PSM

    Posted Tue April 09, 2024 03:56 PM
    Edited by Piper Wilson Tue April 09, 2024 03:57 PM

    Hi all,


    My customer plans to backup  MACH11 cluster using PSM. What procedure should be used if secondary server requires logical logs from "tape" using onpsm/onsmsync? Is it possible to export/import only logical logs from PSM using onsmsync or onsmsync -E -p xxx to export backup and related logs is the only possibility (backup might be huge)?


    Thank you


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    Milan Rafaj



    Unless stated otherwise above:
    Kyndryl Česká republika, spol. s r. o.
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    IČ: 096 28 886
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  • 2.  RE: PRI/HDR/RSS logical recovery from logical log backups using PSM

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 09, 2024 06:49 PM


    PSM is the default storage engine for onbar, the more advanced of the Informix backup utilities. You perform a logical recovery following a physical restore simply by using onbar -r -l optionally with the -t <timestamp> or -n <logid>

    Read up on onbar in the online Informix manuals or the PDF version of the Backup and Restore manual.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 3.  RE: PRI/HDR/RSS logical recovery from logical log backups using PSM

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 09:02 AM

    Hello Art,


    I was probably not cleared. I meant to use onbar with PSM for recovering former Primary server back to its role when some logical logs backed up by HDR (now primary) are no more available on HDR server and must be recovered from logical logs backups done on HDR.

    I am asking if there is a way how to export using onsmsync -E only missing logical logs and not the whole backup set covering last backup and logical logs since that as

    onsmsync -E -p prefix -g 1 exports the whole backup set. This can be many gigabytes - and takes time and space to export, if I need, for example, only 2-3 logical logs which are not available on HDR server logical log dbspace any more.


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    Milan Rafaj



    Unless stated otherwise above:
    Kyndryl Česká republika, spol. s r. o.
    Sídlo: V Parku 2308/8, Chodov, 148 00 Praha 4,
    IČ: 096 28 886
    Zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku, vedeném Městským soudem v Praze (oddíl C, vložka 339277)
    Registered address: V Parku 2308/8, Chodov, 148 00 Prague 4
    Company ID: 096 28 886
    Registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague (Part C, Entry 339277)

  • 4.  RE: PRI/HDR/RSS logical recovery from logical log backups using PSM

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 09:29 AM


    Ahh, gotya. So, no. The onsmsync can only export entire backup sets. The best solution for you will be to use ifxclone to reestablish the original primary as the HDR secondary the swap roles.

    For the future, make sure that you have at least four days' worth of logical logs to minimize the possibility that you will have a primary or secondary down for long enough that the oldest log needed for recovery is no longer online.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 5.  RE: PRI/HDR/RSS logical recovery from logical log backups using PSM

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 10:43 AM

    Thank you Art, customer is using CM to manage the cluster. And thank you for a tip to configure logical logs covering sufficient number of days.


    Obsah obrázku text, klipart  Popis byl vytvořen automaticky

    Milan Rafaj

    Senior Lead, Infrastructure/Cloud Architecture

    Kyndryl Consult

    +420 737 264 248


    Planned absence/Plánovaná nepřítomnost: 27.3.2024


    Kyndryl Česká republika, spol. s r. o.

    Sídlo: Praha 4, Chodov, V Parku 2308/8, PSČ: 148 00,

    IČ: 14890992

    Zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku, vedeném Městským soudem v Praze (oddíl C, vložka 339277)

    Registered address: Prague 4, Chodov, V Parku, 2308/8, Zip code: 148 00

    Company ID: 14890992

    Entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague (Part C, Entry 339277)
