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  • 1.  Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 07:55 PM


    Can anyone tell me when the online index reorg will be made available in Db2 pureScale ? I have a Customer using Db2 pureScale that would use the online index reorg as it used in Db2 z/OS. The only information I have found is in the online documentation (last updated 18 April 2023) reporting "Restriction: Online index reorganization is not supported in Db2 pureScale® environments and will fail with SQL1419N".

    Thanks in advance. Ciao. Roberto

    Roberto Stradella

  • 2.  RE: Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 08:15 PM
    Edited by Youssef Sbai Idrissi Fri September 08, 2023 05:44 PM

    According to the IBM documentation, online index reorganization is not currently supported in Db2 pureScale environments. However, IBM is working on adding this feature in a future release. There is no specific ETA for when this feature will be available.

    In the meantime, if your customer needs to reorganize indexes in a Db2 pureScale environment, they can do so offline. To do this, they can use the REORG INDEXES command with the OFFLINE option. This will rebuild the indexes without affecting the availability of the database.

    Youssef Sbai Idrissi
    Software Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    Posted Sat July 08, 2023 10:56 AM

    Hello Youssef,

    thanks for the answer, I have a couple of questions:

    1) you wrote "There is no specific ETA for when this feature will be available, but it is expected to be released in the next few months", do you have info from IBM stating that they are working on this feature to made it available on pureScale ? I have found nothing related to it.

    2) Offline Reorg Index is what my Customer would avoid because the indexes he would reorganize are related to a very big table. And running offline reorg on it I think will cause a lot of problems to applications that need to access the index.

    Thanks. Bye. Roberto

    Roberto Stradella

  • 4.  RE: Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sat July 08, 2023 12:37 PM
    Edited by Jan Nelken Sat July 08, 2023 01:05 PM

    When you are doing ... REORG INDEX... OFLINE do you specify ALLOW READ ACCESS ?

    If you do - only INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE will impact your application.

    ALLOW WRITE ACCESS is a bit more restrictive though.
    Jan Nelken

  • 5.  RE: Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    Posted Fri September 08, 2023 11:34 AM

    It is possible/beneficial to create an additional index, with say one extra (small, low cardinality, potentially useful) field, then reorg ( or drop, rebuild) the old index then do this alternately whenever an online reorg is required ?

    Greg BRUCE

  • 6.  RE: Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon September 11, 2023 02:37 PM

    Hi Greg!
    How you propose to deal with packages referring to now inaccessible index when implementing your idea of "flipping" indexes?

    Jan Nelken

  • 7.  RE: Online index reorganization in Db2 pureScale®

    Posted Tue September 12, 2023 08:08 AM

    Hey Jan

    Mine was a question - a partially formed idea at best, however:

    If you do not use bound packages, this should work, the db2 optimiser will step around that index while it is invalid, at most there could be some queuing on the index until it can be dropped, and them some overhead while db2 establishes a new path using the new index  - my experience maxes this as a one time hit of up to a second (or so) on only the first execution of the dynamiic SQL

    Now I cannot be quoted on this, but my interpretation of the manual is that, optionally, even for bound programs, the optimiser will recalculate the path. 

    I really do not know as we have stepped into the land of only dynamic SQL, and I offer only a vague recollection of 'automatic rebind' in the online manual ....  somewhere.

    I encourage anyone who has this requirement to test and see before they implement any hare-brained ideas I proffer.


    Greg BRUCE