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  • 1.  InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Thu December 07, 2023 08:59 PM

    Hi Family.

    Almost done with the polemics of the Java setup for InformixHQ but this is a different issue:

    I am now in this screen:

    I have the identical credentials for the admin section.  My host name is maxwell2l. The group name is omni, containing 1 server named ol_first, which is set up in sqlhosts as a TCP connection.  The port number, listed in both sqlhosts and /etc/services is 10091.  These are entered in the above credentials (I didn't screen-capture the whole window).  Now I click on [Test Connection]. I am rewarded with the following message:

    [x] Could not connect to Informix: jdbc:informix-sqli://maxwell2l:10091: sysmaster. Incorrect password or user com.informix.asf.IfxASFRemoteException: informix@localhost[maxwell2l] is not known on the database server.]

    Now I know the informix password so I'm not getting that wrong. I got similar result using admin and that password that I had set up in properties so I know that's not the issue.

    Do I need to enter the informix (or admin) password in yet another config file?  (Today's seminar didn't address HQ neophytes.)

    So my question, as with the previous thread is: What am I missing?

    Thanks much for help!

    Jacob Salomon
    Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded.  --Attr: Yogi Berra

  • 2.  RE: InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 12:50 AM


    If your db server is AIX try this:

    chmod o+x /etc/security

    chmod o+r /etc/security/pwdalg.cfg



    Hrvoje Zokovic

  • 3.  RE: InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 01:38 AM

    the password set in the properties file of HQServer is ONLY for logging in into the HQ GUI.

    What you see here is a standard "can't connect to the informix instance" error.
    And in most cases it really means that wrong password is used for user informix on machine maxwell2l.

    Is there a message in the message logfile? A message will confirm that the try to connect has reached the Informix Instance. What happens when you try to connect with dbaccess using informix and the password. Maybe you have dbaccess on another machine and you can try a remote login. 
    What happens when you open up informix for the world with a + in .rhosts (just for a test).

    And not sure what informix@localhost[maxwell2l] here means exactly.
    I only have informix@myhost in the message when I enter a wrong password. 

    BTW the informix server name in the HQ GUI is not really relevant. It must not be a DBSERVERNAME/DBSERVERALIAS. 
    It can help when it is the same.

    A java program only needs ip and port to connect to the instance. 

    Hedwig Fuchs

  • 4.  RE: InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 09:51 AM
    Hedwig said:
    BTW the informix server name in the HQ GUI is not really relevant. It must not be a DBSERVERNAME/DBSERVERALIAS. 

    I am uncertain of what you mean by 'It must not be a DBSERVERNAME".  Do you mean "it surely is not == DBSERVERNAME" or do you mean it should not be the same as DBSERVERNAME?  The latter seems unlikely and is surely counterintuitive.

    Of course, as I pointed out, I am indeed entering the server name == DBSERVERNAME in $ONCONFIG == $INFORMIXSERVER as I have set it up and am trying to connect.  But you are correct - I had not thought of checking the log, a habit I should develop.  At this moment (as I type this reply) that PC is booted to Windows.  When I next boot to Linux Mint (not AIX,as per  Hrvoje's suggestion) I'll be able to check that log and post what I see.

    What happens when you try to connect with dbaccess using informix and the password.
    I can run "dbaccess sysmaster" as either user informix or jake without a password.  and I have only one Linux PC; I'm running the server and chrome on the same machine, browsing to maxwell2l:8080 to bring up the HQ screen. (Then signing in to HQ using the admin/properties-password).

    More to come on this...

    +----- Jacob Salomon --------------------------------------------------+
    | The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of  |
    | anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of |
    | politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.              |
    +--------------- Thomas Sowell (Is Reality Optional?::Student Loans) --+

  • 5.  RE: InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 10:36 AM

    It does not matter. The name will be used internally within HQ -
    It may help to identify the informix server when you have more then one set up in HQ when it is the same as DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIAS.
    But it also can be a different name. 

    The test in dbaccess must be with connect - user - password 

    Hedwig Fuchs

  • 6.  RE: InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 09:41 AM

    If I may -- I Strongly discourage the use of the informix ID as the monitoring and administration ID. Since that is the ID that actually executes operations within the instance, that give all IHQ users greater levels of authorization than they deserve, possibly to their detriment. What you need to do is create two O/S IDs, such as ihq_monitor and ihq_admin and grant them the specific instance privileges  they need then use them in the instance configuration scripts. The permissions required for ether ID are documented. If you've been to any of my classes where IHQ was used, part of the class exercises included granted the privileges. There is a script in the lab documentation (Appendix C) which shows the process. If you can't find it, contact me directly for a copy.

    Carlton Doe

  • 7.  RE: InformixHQ: Entering credentials for monitoring and admin

    Posted Fri December 08, 2023 12:49 PM
    Hi Carlton and Hedwig.

    > ... create two O/S IDs, such as ihq_monitor and ihq_admin and 
    > grant them the specific instance privileges  they need ...

    That seems reasonable and, of course, each will have its own login password to the shell.  More on this in a moment. 

    In another response to this issue, Hedwig Fuchs said:
    The test in dbaccess must be with connect - user - password 

    This I don't get.  The implication here is that if my setup is such that I can sign in to dbaccess without a password then IHQ will never be able to connect to the instance.  In nearly 40 years of using dbaccess (and isql before that) I have NEVER required a password to access a database.

    Bottom line of my question, assuming I create these 2 users: What password do I enter in the credentials fields? If the Linux login is required, why didn't that work for Informix?  HMMmmm... One thing I have not tried was to leave the password fields blank.

    Once I get this out of the way, Carlton, I will take your advice and create those 2 users.

    +----- Jacob Salomon ------------------------------------------------------+