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  • 1.  Informix HA Cluster and CM

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 02:07 PM

    I need to setup a HA cluster with replication. We are able to replica and test failover both ways on node1 and node2. HOw do I get a cluster server on these 2 nodes. so that the Connection Mgr is able to control failover and route connections to the new active node?  Do I need to setup Linux OS cluster or Do I need to only setup  the S=6  on the sqlhosts  or C=1   at the option column on the sqlhosts ?  So it only be informix configuration and no Linux OS setup at all ? 

    Do I require to setup a group among node1 and node2  like this topology picture  for Primary / Secondary under group 1. 

    I am confused how the CM knows the secondary is now the active node as in a regular cluster where the heartbit promotes the secondary and node2 now owns the cluster listener on a linux cluster.  


    Tereso Garcia

  • 2.  RE: Informix HA Cluster and CM

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 04:47 PM

    OK, here's how it goes. You have two servers, a primary and an HDR secondary, call them node1 on host1 and node2 on host2 and you have a single Connection Manager, call it CM1 on host3. The servers each have a TCP and shared memory connection type defined, call them node1_tcp and node2_tcp and node1_shm and node2_shm respectively. Ideally you should have at least two and preferably three or four CMs, one on each host containing a server and one or two on a separate hosts.

    Let's assume that you only have a single SLA defined in each CM. For now, with one CM, call the SLA cm1_sla. The CM config file will look something like this:

    # Connection Manager configuration
    NAME    cm1
    LOG 1
    LOGFILE $INFORMIXDIR/tmp/cmsm_cm1.log

    CLUSTER cluster_1
      INFORMIXSERVER node_grp

      SLA cluster_sla_1 DBSERVERS = PRI


    The sqlhosts files (which should be the same except for the shared memory connection name configurations on each host) should look like this:

    cluster   group   -   -   i=2,c=1    # Connectin Manager failover group
    cluster_sla_1   onsoctcp   host3   sqlexec2
    # cluster_sla_2   onsoctcp   host4   sqlexec2   # Optional secondary CM on host4
    # cluster_host1   onsoctcp   host1   sqlexec2   # Optional local CM on host1
    # cluster_host2   onsoctcp   host2   sqlexec2   # Optional local CM on host2

    # Failover group

    node_grp   group   -   -   i=1,c=1,e=node2_tcp
    node1_tcp   onsoctcp   host1   sqlexec   g=node_grp
    node2_tcp   onsoctcp   host2   sqlexec   g=node_grp

    Clients connect to <database>@cluster or have INFORMIXSERVER set to "cluster" and are connected to a random CM (if you configure more than one in the group "cluster". The Connection Manager that gets the connection matches the "servername" associated with it in the client's sqlhosts group, checks the cluster definitions it knows for that SLA and redirects the client to the current primary server in that cluster based on the SLA configuration.

    You can certainly add the s=6 option and use dedicated server aliases for the connections between the primary and secondary servers, but the clients must connection on a "normal" entry that does not contain the s=6 designation.

    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 3.  RE: Informix HA Cluster and CM

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 10:32 AM

    Thanks so much Art.  What is the purpose of using more than 1 CM. I assume for redundancy and if there are hundreds of connections requests, various CM could handle the routing to the primary. Then those several CMs must be under a load balancer ? 



    Tereso Garcia

  • 4.  RE: Informix HA Cluster and CM

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 08:27 PM

    The cluster is an Informix concept, nothing to do with Linux clusters.

    The connection manager will connect to each server in the Informix cluster and determine it's role Primary.SDS,HDR,RSS

    One connection manager will be the "Active Arbitrator" and if it cannot contact the primary it will use HA_FOC_ORDER

    (Normally HDR) to decide which node to make the new primary with sysadmin command "ha make primary force"


    David Williams

  • 5.  RE: Informix HA Cluster and CM

    Posted Fri August 04, 2023 10:29 AM

    Thanks so much David, that clears many of my questions.  From what I have read on the CM, it only routes the connection request. It uses its local sqlhosts file to accommodate the connection or any sqlhost on the primary instance or HDR.  The next question is. My current single instance has a good number of  sqlhosts connections defined  and service ports. Lets say 12 of them, those are mapped to INFORMIXSERVER Aliases.  If we decide to start using CM for failover control and connection routing, how would the CM  use those ports on the original instance or the primary ?  DO I need to define those connections on the CM sqlhosts file ?

    Tereso Garcia