I have DB2 Connect's Unlimited Edition for System Z v11.5.0 fixpack 7 installed on some Windows 2022 servers and my Security dept. reported this issue:
Short description: Apache Log4j Unsupported Version Detection
Priority: 2 - High
Description: A logging library running on the remote host is no longer supported.
Upgrade to a version of Apache Log4j that is currently supported.
Upgrading to the latest versions for Apache Log4j is highly recommended as intermediate versions / patches have known high severity vulnerabilities and the vendor is updating their advisories often as new research and knowledge about the impact of Log4j is discovered. Refer to https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/security.html for the latest versions.
Path: C:\Program Files\IBM\SDPShared\plugins\com.ibm.nex.3rdparty.apache_2.2.0.v20100417_1714\lib\log4j-1.2.14.jar
Installed version: 1.2.14
Path: C:\Program Files\IBM\SDPShared\plugins\com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf_2.6.3.v20171117_2207\log4j-1.2.14.jar
Installed version: 1.2.14
The only IBM products installed are DB2 Connect related:
- IBM Data Server Client
- IBM Data Server Driver Package
Are there instructions as to how to replace the old log4j version with the fixed version? I uninstalled the old DB2 Connect v11.1 and installed the v11.5 FP 7 version in hopes that it would have replaced log4j in the directories above.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I doubt that following the instructions on
https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/migration.html would work, would it?!?
Thank you in advance!
Zenon Piatek