IDS 14.10.FC10WE
RHEL 8.9
Windows 10
CSDK 4.50 64-bit
CSDK 4.10 32-bit
Using Genero Studio to try to debug a 4GL program, I am getting a -25596 "The INFORMIXSERVER value is not listed in the sqlhosts file or the Registry." There is a section where you can specify environment variables for the application that is being tested, and the INFORMIXSERVER in that section is set to a valid instance/server name. I have used the setnet32 utility to confirm that the INFORMIXSERVER specified in the application's environment variable is defined on the PC, and that the hostname, username, password, as well as the port (specified the port number directly, rather than editing the hosts file on Windows and giving it a named service) are all correct. Further, I have made this the default instance.
I then tried the iLogin utility to try to connect to that server. I don't usually use this utility, as I do not have a stores7 database on any of my instances. But even with that, I would expect the utility to connect and give me a -329 "Database not found or no system permission" error. Instead, after entering the necessary information to make the connection, I get a -25556 "Invalid sqlhosts file format".
I have deleted all servers (dev, test, user acceptance) from setnet32 and then re-entered the information for just this one server and retried, but receive the same results.
This used to work, at least the Genero Studio part. I can't recall if I ever tried iLogin. Other than normal Window updates, I do not know of anything that has changed on the PC. We have both CSDK 4.50 64-bit and 4.10 32-bit because the SPL debugger in AGS Server Studio requires the 32-bit version. I have used the setnet32 from both CSDKs to confirm that the desired server is defined with the correct parameters. I know that the 32-bit and 64-bit versions store their entries in different locations within the Windows registry, but both versions show valid values. I have not used regedit to directly inspect the registry.
Any ideas on what to check next?
Thanks in advance.
mark collins
I switched to using the ConnectTest utility instead of iLogin. I used the version from both the 32-bit and 64-bit CSDKs, and was able to connect to one of our databases and execute SELECT statements.
I'm still not sure why the Genero Studio product is having problems connecting, but at least I know the Informix configuration is correct.
Second edit:
Found the problem in Genero - there was a typo in the application. The app overrides the value of INFORMIXSERVER based on an env var that specifies whether we're running against dev, test, uat, or prod. The value that the program was supplying did not exactly match the INFORMIXSERVER that was set up in Setnet32.
Problem solved.