Hi Henry,
The following are some of the solutions possible.
A) On the same server, from easier and less dowtime to more complicated and more dowtime
1/ Mirroring - no downtime; if you already have mirroring in place for some of the chunks, you need to reset each individual mirrored chunk first and start mirroring again to the desired cooked file. You have to make sure the instance was intialized to be possibly mirrored (MIRROR=1)
2/ HDR - a slight dowtime ; needs some twicking to be performed because of the names of the chunks. Not as easy as mirroring
3/ Other solutions will have downtime and more complicated to perform ; such as ER, etc.
B) On a different server (virtual or physical), from simple to more complicated and more downtime
1/ HDR- a short downtime to reconnect the users. Easy to setup
2/ Others such as ER, etc
-- Cordialement, Regards, Khaled Bentebal Directeur G??n??ral - ConsultiX T??l: 33 (0) 1 39 12 18 00 Mobile: 33 (0) 6 07 78 41 97 Email: khaled.bentebal@consult-ix.fr Site Web: www.consult-ix.fr
Original Message:
Sent: 4/15/2024 6:13:00 AM
From: Henri Cujass
Subject: Best Practice for the inplace change from raw devices to cookfiles
Hi Informix DBA's,
what's your best practice experience in replacing raw devices with cookfiles in minimum downtime? Mirroring, ER ...?
Thanks for every idea.
Henri Cujass
leolo IT, CTO
IBM Champion