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  • 1.  archecker error with PSM

    Posted Tue April 26, 2022 08:53 AM
    Level 0 and log backups are being made using psm on an AIX system for testing.
    I tried to recover the table with archecker using psm's backup, but I get an error as below.

    archecker -bdvs -f schemafile

    onbar backups or restores are performing fine.
    I also tried slibclean , but it's the same. Any other solutions?

    STATUS: Extracting table demo:restore_test into demo:restore_test_target
    ERROR: Unable to open dynamic library (/informix/lib/
    ERROR: OS Error (rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_mutex_lock was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.
    rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_mutex_unlock was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.
    rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_mutex_init was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.
    rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_mutex_destroy was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.
    rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_join was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.
    rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_create was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.
    rtld: 0712-001 Symbol pthread_detach was referenced
          from module /informix/lib/, but a runtime definition
          of the symbol was not found.)
    ERROR: Unable to open dynamic library (/informix/lib/ibsad001_64.o)
    ERROR: Unable to load dynamic library
    STATUS: Control page checks PASSED
    STATUS: Table checks PASSED
    STATUS: Table extraction commands 1
    STATUS: Tables found on archive 0
    STATUS: Tables not located on archive 1
    STATUS: LOADED: demo:restore_test_target produced 0 rows
    TIME: [2022-04-26 21:31:06] Physical Extraction Completed
    TIME: [2022-04-26 21:31:06] Unload Completed

    SangGyu Jeong
    Software Engineer
    Seoul Korea, Republic of


  • 2.  RE: archecker error with PSM

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri April 29, 2022 09:19 AM
    Is archecker being tried on same system where also the backup had been created?  In which case I'd wonder how can be good enough for the backup, yet not for archecker - maybe an environment problem?

    If on different system, then that seems to be missing some library.

    What's  ldd's perspective on this?

    Here it would show:
    $ ldd needs:
    /usr/lib/libpthreads.a(shr_xpg5_64.o) <<< this is the relevant one and had been found on my system


    Andreas Legner

  • 3.  RE: archecker error with PSM

    Posted Sun May 01, 2022 08:23 PM
    Hi Andrea, Thanks for your reply.

    Backup and restore were performed on the same instance on the same server.

    The ldd output for the file is shown below.
    Informix version is 12.10.FC12WE, OS is AIX 6.1.

    $ ldd needs:

    SangGyu Jeong

    SangGyu Jeong
    Software Engineer
    Seoul Korea, Republic of

  • 4.  RE: archecker error with PSM

    Posted Mon May 13, 2024 07:42 AM


    have you managed to solve the issue by any chance?

    I've found this discussion thread looking for a solution to the same problem.

    I'm on AIX, with 12.10.FC15.

    Michał Łukaszewicz