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  • Posted in: Maximo

    Hi! We using IBM Maximo I have a next problem. We have some customization on ASSET mbo, made with scrips on SAVE. Script set svalue of the attribute, based on the value in this attribute and some other rules. In UI it works fine, no ...

  • Posted in: Maximo

    Hello, I've created a publish channel in Maximo which uses a self-referenced OS (that is configured to publish a workorder and its child). Whenever the JSON body is created, all the attributes of the "parent" workorder are shown in the body, but the ...

  • Posted in: Maximo

    Hello All, What we are trying to do is to create Division wise Clones of WO and SR applications in our organization. For that, we are tasked to come up with guidelines on Application Cloning in Maximo, These are supposed to include pros and cos ...

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  • We are delighted to announce that IBM Maximo Application Suite 9.0 is now available and the related documentation content is available in our IBM Documentation website. Maximo Application Suite is an integrated suite that enables easy access to the following ...

  • On June 25, 2024, IBM announced the availability of the highly anticipated release 9.0 of the Maximo Application Suite Continuing to deliver on end-to-end asset lifecycle management requirements with capabilities around EAM, APM and ...

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  • In today’s rapidly changing technology landscape, individuals like Christopher N. Winston, Vice President of Strategic Alliances at Projetech , play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology adoption and community engagement. With a deep-rooted ...

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