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Nominate for the IBM Champions program by 15 November!
erEnd Meet IBM Champion Paul Brett, who is a Software Support Analyst at HCL. Paul has been an IBM Champion for 3 years and his expertise lies in IBM Sterling Transformation Extender (ITX) and IBM App Connect. His favourite product is IBM Transformation Extender...
IBM Champion Michael Miller! We will be spotlighting our Cloud Champions on our community to bring their amazing expertise to our members. This week, meet IBM Champion Michael Miller. He's Senior Systems Engineer for Mainline Information Systems. His favorite IBM product...
3 Steps to Become an IBM Cloud Champion! I have had the opportunity to meet many clients from around the globe, and our clients and partners are defining our industry. IBM is participating in the IBM Champions Program and we want to celebrate your expertise and thank you for being with us...
Our August IBM Champion spotlight features Vikram Vaswani. Vikram is the founder of Melonfire and the author of seven books on PHP and database programming, published by The McGraw-Hill Companies and Pearson Education and translated into more than 10 languages. He is an active open source...
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For June, we’re shining the IBM Cloud Champion Spotlight on Jason Juliano, CEO of Aponia Data Solutions. Based in New York City, Jason has been an IBM Champion for three years. Bio: Jason Juliano is a results-driven technologist and leader in inventing “think big” strategies that shape...
Our IBM Champion Spotlight for May features Karen Kilroy, CEO of Kilroy Blockchain in Austin, TX. She is a life-long technologist who has invented several products including Casey, KilroyBlockchain PaaS, Riley, and Carnak. Karen believes that artificial intelligence doesn't have to be scary,...
You asked for more live content. You want to hear from real practitioners and customers who can relate to what you do every day. You spoke. We listened. Introducing the IBM Cloud Champions Speaker Series! The IBM Cloud Champions Speaker Series brings the voices of recognized IBM...