IBM Business Analytics

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  • 1.  unable to obtain information on direct reports

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 12:24 PM

    It appears I no longer have the ability to get information for any of my direct reports' Week, MTD or YTD. Previously I had access to a folder that was named e-Time or something similar, that contained weekly, MTD and YTD information on hours charged and code used for my direct reports. I no longer see that folder and can only get information for myself. I used that information to provide to our Contract Manager Advisor for tracking hours on the contract. How do I regain access to that folder/those reports? 

    Edward Mackereth

  • 2.  RE: unable to obtain information on direct reports

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 03:00 AM
    Edited by Chris Turner Wed February 14, 2024 03:00 AM

    What changed between when you could access the folder, and when you couldn't?

    Chris Turner

  • 3.  RE: unable to obtain information on direct reports

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 05:27 AM

    That I am aware of, nothing. I was able to access it last month to obtain numbers for the contract.


    Ed Mackereth, CISSP

    Security Operations Center Manager, Cyber and Biometrics

    IBM Consulting, U.S. Federal

    1 304 788 8423 Office

    1 240 580 0610 Mobile


  • 4.  RE: unable to obtain information on direct reports

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 09:24 AM

    I have heard nothing further from this team and I still do not have access to these reports. What is the status please?



    Ed Mackereth, CISSP

    Security Operations Center Manager, Cyber and Biometrics

    IBM Consulting, U.S. Federal

    1 304 788 8423 Office

    1 240 580 0610 Mobile


  • 5.  RE: unable to obtain information on direct reports

    Posted Mon March 04, 2024 02:56 AM

    This "team" is a bunch of individuals, located around the globe, that provide ad hoc help to people on general topics and issues. The problem that you're having is specific to you, and one that you need to take up with the technical team within your company / business etc. You will need to find out from them what has changed. It might be something within the configuration, the roles, active directory etc.etc.

    Chris Turner

  • 6.  RE: unable to obtain information on direct reports

    Posted Wed March 06, 2024 06:45 AM

    It appears I have struck a nerve perhaps. I am simply trying to get some help with Cognos, if there is a separate method I guess I will have to find it on my own. If there is a ticket associated with this request close it as unresolved.


    Ed Mackereth, CISSP

    Security Operations Center Manager, Cyber and Biometrics

    IBM Consulting, U.S. Federal

    1 304 788 8423 Office

    1 240 580 0610 Mobile