IBM Business Analytics

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  • 1.  Showing additional info in summary for Excel export

    Posted Wed February 07, 2024 04:52 PM

    In my report, I am displaying Position, Employee No, Hours worked, and Salary. Now, the user needs to show the Total hours and Salary by Position, Employee No. I can do this without any issues in the report. However, the user wants to export this information into Excel. To do this, I need to hide the details (which I can do). I then need to include the Position and Employee No in the summary row, so that the export to Excel will contain the position and employee no in each row. I am not sure how to do this in the report. Would like to know if anyone has any suggestions.

    Sample Data (Position, Employee No, Hours worked, Salary)
    Admin 1111 13 100
    Admin 1111 05 56.75
    Admin 2222 10 150
    Admin 3333 54 550
    Admin 3333 10 25
    Clerk 4444 23 170
    Clerk 4444 15 100
    HR015 5555 70 1000
    HR015 6666 13 67.95
    HR015 6666 07 100

    With the above data, I am looking for the following result
    Admin 1111 18 156.75
    Admin 2222 10 150
    Admin 3333 64 575
    Clerk 4444 38 270
    HR015 5555 70 1000
    HR015 6666 20 167.95

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Dn Pr

  • 2.  RE: Showing additional info in summary for Excel export

    Posted Thu February 08, 2024 03:12 AM

    In your report you probably just need something along the lines of:

    [Position], [Employee No], total([Hours Worked], total(Salary])

    Chris Turner

  • 3.  RE: Showing additional info in summary for Excel export

    Posted Thu February 08, 2024 09:42 AM

    How do I do this? Could I modify the query to contain only the summary lines (I don't see an option for this)? If not, how do I add these to the group footer, so they could be exported to Excel?

    Dn Pr