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Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

  • 1.  Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Fri February 26, 2021 04:34 AM

    I have created filter selections for views in PAW using mdx.
    Everything seems to work well except that when I save the book it does not save the column widths of views for other users. 

    Let me illustrate, when I create the book, add in the view, extend the column widths and save the book, the next time I open the book it remembers the column width as per the image below:

    However, when another user opens the same book the column width is narrower, as per image below:

    I have hidden the Column headers because this is the name of the logged in client and I don't want to show that. 

    It would appear the only way to adjust and keep the the column width to the desired length is for the user to edit the view and expand the width manually and then save the book, but for most users this book would be View only and they do not have full control. 

    The other option would be to show the column header, which I don't want to do, and then have the user manually adjust the column width every time they go into the report. Not exactly ideal!

    It is more than a little frustrating to go to a lot of effort to get filters to work, and then trip up over some trivial formatting issues, but of course to end users this is not trivial at all! 

    I really feel issues like this need to be dealt with, unless of course I have missed something, and you can ensure the column width is standardised for each user? 



    Mark Wragg


  • 2.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Mon March 01, 2021 06:18 PM

    Hi Mark, 
    The column width size is not user specific and is persisted/saved as part of the book Cube view widget content. I would not expect that different users see different things if they opened the same book.

    Can you confirm:

    1 - The version of PAW used.
    2 - There are no errors in browser console.

    Additionally are you able to reproduce using one of the same databases and provide us with the book export for additional validation.?


    Charbel Abou-Khalil

  • 3.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Tue March 02, 2021 04:51 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:19 PM
    Hi Charbel,

    thanks for the reply.

    I have done some further testing and believe it is related to the MDX being used in the subset.
    In the example I gave the cube view was looking at the client attributes cube, with the client dimension in the column, and in order to return data for the logged on client I have used the following mdx:

    {STRTOMEMBER("[}Clients].[}Clients].[" + USERNAME + "]")}

    It would appear it is the fact that the element changes depending upon which user logs in which is causing the column width not to persist.

    So for example, if the logged in client is say, "Test User Example A" then Test User Example A will be the element returned by the MDX, whereas if the logged in client is "User X" then User X will be the element. Test User Example A and User X are different lengths, I am wondering if this is somehow causing the column width not to persist.

    Whatever the reason I would view this has a bug.

    I should add that we are on version 2.0.59 of workspace



    Mark Wragg

  • 4.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Tue March 02, 2021 11:42 AM
    Thanks Mark.

    You are correct.

    It is caused by the used MDX. The MDX is changing the member per user. The column extents are tied to the member. e.g. the Width of the column. If that member is no longer there the extents (width in this case) is no longer applicable.

    This design, is intentional to allow for member specific extents to be carried over as the member moves around in the grid on the same axis. E.g. Operations Hide/Keep/Drill/Expand/Collapse. You will notice how the member moves into various columns positions yet the width is persisted.

    As it stands we do not have the capability to perform extent changes for a fixed column position and disregard members as the context.

    This is a good candidate for an enhancement request. Please consider logging an enhancement here:


    Charbel Abou-Khalil

  • 5.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Wed March 03, 2021 07:57 AM

    FYI I have logged the enhancement request here:



    Mark Wragg

  • 6.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Thu March 04, 2021 01:45 PM
    Hi Mark,

    I see the enhancement request.  We will review this request with our design team as we are working on the updated design for the Workspace cube viewer.

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 7.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Thu March 04, 2021 03:13 PM
    Hi Stuart, 

    Yes, please take this into consideration. I am also struggling a lot with the column widths.


    Mario Hasler

  • 8.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Mon March 08, 2021 08:53 AM
    Stuart, I am having a problem with this, as well.  I hope you will consider a fix to this.

    Kristy Sadaro

  • 9.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Mon November 29, 2021 11:20 PM
    Hi Mark,

    One work around for setting column width is to resize it at desired width in PAW Edit Mode, then use the Edit MDX option to open query editor for each one of your exploration views.
    Then create an alias for your column header by using a query-scoped calculated member, just like below:

    WITH MEMBER [}Clients].[}Clients].[Current User] AS STRTOMEMBER("[}Clients].[" + USERNAME + "]")
    SELECT {[}Clients].[}Clients].[Current User]} ON 0,
    {[User Selection].[User Selection].MEMBERS} ON 1
    FROM [Sys User Selection]

    This way, PAW knows the column is always called "Current User", regardless of the actual client querying the data.

    Hope this works for you,

    Cristian Serb

  • 10.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Tue November 30, 2021 04:45 AM
    Hi Cristian,

    really appreciate the feedback, good to know people are thinking about these issues.

    I attempted what you suggested but on the first view I tried, editing the MDX didn't work because when I edit the MDX it simply removes various members, as per image below:

    I should note that even if I make no changes to the MDX and go to Edit MDX and press ok the same problem results.

    So this opens up a bit of a can of worms with editing MDX, which I don't want to dig deep into at the moment!



    Mark Wragg

  • 11.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue November 30, 2021 10:45 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:31 PM

    Setting column width should really be catered for - there are Idea loaded - some flagged as Future Consideration but please add your vote:

    George Tonkin

  • 12.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Tue November 30, 2021 09:15 PM
    Doesn't this then create a Calculated Member which the users will not be enter data in to?


    Craig Sawers

  • 13.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Thu December 02, 2021 04:06 AM
    Hi Craig,

    Yes, absolutely. I used this approach when creating dashboards in PAW, so it truly applies to reporting cubes where you only retrieve data using MDX and there is no need to enter data. Again, this is just a workaround for when dealing with dashboards and you need certain columns to stay at same width regardless of the user running the report or other Control cubes variables referenced in that MDX.

    For data entry, we definitely need IBM to provide us with an Exploration View PROPERTY that lets us specify the exact column width (same as we do today when setting X/Y position or Width/Height of the widget). The setting should at least say Minimum Column Width. That is because today when the column header is changing, the width always defaults to a minimum (that we do not know). 


    Cristian Serb

  • 14.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 09:24 AM

    This works, thanks for the idea!

    But it looks like "Current user" is a reserved thing: MDX was throwing the error. But this one works:

    WITH MEMBER [}Clients].[}Clients].[Current Userr] AS STRTOMEMBER("[}Clients].[" + USERNAME + "]")
    SELECT {[}Clients].[}Clients].[Current Userr]} ON 0,
    {[User Selection].[User Selection].MEMBERS} ON 1
    FROM [Sys User Selection]

    Alexander Dvoinev

  • 15.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 11:11 AM

    This was too early: it makes column width constant, but makes it "calculation" type, so users will not be able to use it as selectors

    Alexander Dvoinev

  • 16.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 11:16 AM
    Edited by Mark Wragg Mon February 12, 2024 11:17 AM


    I am not a big fan of adding these calculations as they appear to be erratic, they cause issues I can't quite pin down, at least sometimes.

    Even if it did work, I think it would be prudent to vote for the various ideas on this subject and hope IBM do something about it!



    Mark Wragg

  • 17.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 12:35 AM


    While we wait for the ability to define column width in an MDX statement (here's hoping!), one can get around this by setting the client as a context dimension rather than a column, and using a third dimension measure in the column. It does mean that you need a 3 dimension cube to store your user selections in, but that way you define the column width for the selected member, and that member doesn't change as different users open the workbook (only the context element changes). Also, you are still looking at a true IBM PA cell, so user can still input against that cell.

    Johann Kassier

  • 18.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 03:26 AM

    Finally, THIS worked for me, thanks.

    For those, who have 2-dim picklist cube: }Sandbox dimension can be used in columns, with "Base" sandbox only selected.

    Alexander Dvoinev

  • 19.  RE: Planning Analytics Workspace Column Widths

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 02:37 AM
    Edited by Maciej Majer Tue February 13, 2024 02:37 AM


    What worked for me is to display built-in All roots subset for that dimension, set the width while having all columns selected (selecting them by clicking on > in top left corner instead of manually selecting each with ctrl or shift selection) and then change displayed subset back to the one you will use. 


    Maciej Majer