Hi Folks,
In our enterprise, we need to make sure logs are onboarded to Infrastructure as a Service. To perform this, we need to do certain modifications of application code files. Only then application will start reporting required components to this centralized platform.
I did opened case #TS015405285 with IBM support. I've been advised to reach out to this forum to get help.
Few more details below.
What are the Supported platforms and Solutions for IaaS?
Supported Platforms and Solutions:
Application Technology/PlatformIaaS Solution.
Web Technology Hosted in Baronet (server to server) => HTTPS POST via MTLS
Web Technology Hosted in DMZ => HTTPS POST via Ping
.Net 4.8 => .Net HttpsAppender via MTLS
Java 8 => Java HttpsAppender via MTLS/Ping
Windows Desktop application (.Net)HTTPS POST via Kerberos / .Net HttpsAppender via Kerberos [In-Progress]
Why did we choose Log4j2 and Log4Net as our standards?
Log4j2 and Log4Net are two widely adopted logging frameworks on our two major platforms, Windows and Linux/Unit. Log4j2 has advantages over its predecessors, logback and log4j, as it supports virtually all the same features of those frameworks while at the same time supporting custom log levels and improved performance by leveraging modern concurrency. ETASC has determined that all requirements of logging can be achieved by using Log4j2 and Log4Net logging frameworks.
- Client has to add the appender configuration details in the log4j.xml file. Detailed of the newly added appender attributes follows..
- Add the httpsappender dependency in the pom.xml file of the client application like below
<!-- Added X-AIT as mandatory request header from 1.1.2 version onwards. This is FYI and no change required in the client codebase or the config file-->
3. Add Appender configuration in the log4j.xml file
<EnterpriseTechServicesInstrumentationLog4j2HttpsAppender name="ComplianceHttpsAppenderPingAuth"
complianceUrl="URL here"
clientId="FTC" clientSecret="3fcnoDZb1LR71FdUtPmYqbwpNTMKm83YmuPv5sJffc5aCkQjVWktCM1f1sbdKFJO"
oauthUrl="URL here">
<!-- replace XXXXX with your AIT # and application name -->
<InstrumentationJSONLayout addFields="ait=XXXXX,application=XXXXX"/>
<LevelRangeFilter minLevel="COMPLIANCE" maxLevel="COMPLIANCE" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/>