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LSF User Group

  • 1.  LSF User Group

    Posted Wed April 19, 2023 08:27 AM

    Just a reminder that the next LSF user group will be held at the Santa Clara Hilton on May 16th.

    Join IBM and the Spectrum Computing team to learn about the latest LSF advancements. We have a full agenda of customer and expert presentations on topics including enterprise scale HPC, the latest trends in EDA/semiconductor design, and the evolution of HPC in the cloud. The meeting will be followed by a social hour with refreshments.

    I hope to see you there. Register here 

    Provisional Agenda:

    12:00 – Lunch
    12:45 – Welcome (Jeff Karmiol, IBM)
    13:00 – Part 1 - LSF Past, Present and Future (Bill McMillan, IBM)
    13:45 – Leading a large-scale enterprise HPC mission (Qualcomm)
    14:15 – IBM Cloud and the evolution of hybrid HPC (Leon Platts, IBM)
    14:45 – Break
    15:00 – Next generation EDA (Cadence Design Systems)
    15:30 – Part 2 - LSF Past, Present and Future (Bill McMillan, IBM)
    16:30 – Q&A
    17:00 – Close, social hour and refreshments by Sycomp


    Hilton Santa Clara
    4949 Great America Parkway
    Santa Clara, CA 95054

    Bill McMillan Global Offering Manager, IBM Spectrum Computing