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  • 1.  LSF interactive job submission - xterm

    Posted Thu July 27, 2023 02:02 AM


    We're having a LSF HPC cluster on CentOS 7.6 running.
    When I login to a login server I can open an xterm with command 'xterm' and with a bsub command using LSF.
    When I ssh to another login server, my display variable will be forwarded thanks to a ssh setting. (xforwarding=yes in sshd.conf).
    I still can use the command 'xterm' to open an xterm windows on the other login server.
    When I now want to submit an xterm to a queue with bsub, xterm will not be displayed because of it's $DISPLAY variable. It says:
    xterm Xt error: Can't open display: <hostname>:12.0

    It seems that bsub will not use the Xforwarding origin from ssh.

    I'm out of ideas and maybe can help me with this issue.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kevin Roma

  • 2.  RE: LSF interactive job submission - xterm

    Posted Thu July 27, 2023 05:40 PM

    Not sure if you use -IX bsub option? 

    YI SUN