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  • 1.  issue running LSF commands from docker job

    Posted Sun November 05, 2023 08:11 AM


    We need to run LSF command from a docker session.

    By changing the name of the running container to match the hostname of the hosting host we are able to run : bjobs and bsub in batch mode.

    We have issue submitting interactive jobs or running with -K and when using bwait.

    I guess this is related to configuration of port forwarding for the docker .

    Any Idea how I can configure the port forwarding for LSF ?


    For connecting with ssh to the container we add to docker run 

    -p 2222:22 

    When running interactive -I  it exits with error and hangs,

    $ bsub -I sleep 2
    Job <947616> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
    <<Waiting for dispatch ...>>

    << Job <947616> exited with exit code 255. >>

    Job <947616>: Job has already finished

    When running with -K   the job ends but the prompt hangs

    $ bsub -K sleep 2
    Job <948024> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
    <<Waiting for dispatch ...>>

    Job <948024>: Job has already finished

    when running bwait it hangs forever

    $bwait -w "ended ( JOBID )"


    -- Shali --

    Shali Boharon

  • 2.  RE: issue running LSF commands from docker job

    Posted Sun November 05, 2023 08:01 PM

    I'm thinking the challenging is that port used by bsub -I/-K and bwait is randomly generated. But the port can be controlled by LSF_NIOS_PORT_RANGE parameter, so it may be possible adding --expose as dockrun option to export range of ports.

    YI SUN

  • 3.  RE: issue running LSF commands from docker job

    Posted Sun November 05, 2023 08:04 PM

    Re post. It seems my previous comment did not show up.

    I'm thinking the challenging is that port used by bsub -I/-K and bwait is randomly generated. But the port can be controlled by LSF_NIOS_PORT_RANGE parameter, so it may be possible adding --expose as dockrun option to export range of ports.


    YI SUN