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  • 1.  How to remove assistant on home screen in 12.0.3?

    Posted 3 days ago

    Hi all,

    I found no hint yet how to remove the "Ask a question" and how to remove the "Introduction" section in Cognos Analytics 12.0.3 

    It is not working via the manage>account option and it seems the part has no id, just a class. Suggestions appreciated, thanks

    Yvonne Warmbier
    Project Manager, Senior Consultant and Coach for BI and DWH projects
    ba.passion GmbH

  • 2.  RE: How to remove assistant on home screen in 12.0.3?

    IBM Champion
    Posted 16 hours ago

    Hi Yvonne,

    that managed through Manage -> People -> Accounts. Pick a role, go to its Properties-> Customization -> Features and expand the "Home" section. You'll find options here:

    and here:

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI
    GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

  • 3.  RE: How to remove assistant on home screen in 12.0.3?

    Posted 16 hours ago

    Hi Robert,

    thank you very much. It seems not to work for this environment, as mentioned "It is not working via the manage>account option".

    I guess you tried it and it worked well? Then I have to check the security, perhaps there is a loop or a contradictory assignment causing the issue.

    Yvonne Warmbier
    Project Manager, Senior Consultant and Coach for BI and DWH projects
    ba.passion GmbH

  • 4.  RE: How to remove assistant on home screen in 12.0.3?

    IBM Champion
    Posted 16 hours ago

    Hi Yvonne,
    yes it is working for me. I only left "Navigator" activated and the home perspective looks like this:

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI
    GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

  • 5.  RE: How to remove assistant on home screen in 12.0.3?

    IBM Champion
    Posted 9 hours ago

    Hi Yvonne,

    One thing to check is if the user you are testing this with, is a member of multiple roles.  you can check this by:

    1. click the Personal Menu icon (far right in the toolbar) and then click "Profile and settings"

    2. click "Groups and roles"

    If the user is in multiple roles, this might be why you are seeing something different than what Robert is seeing. Customizations are exclusively only applied from one role (include features hiding customizations). 

    How does the system decide which role to honor for customization (when a user is in multiple roles?) It uses the role customization priority value to rank them (highest priority takes precedence). You can set priority for a given role by opening the advanced tab:

    If the two roles have the same priority, CA has a non-arbitrary tie-breaking rule (I forget exactly what it was - something like the time that the role was created). The priority can be set from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest). 

    Also "System Administrators" has a fixed priority of "1000" (as a safety provision). So this means that if your user is in role xyz, AND "System Administrators", then making changes to customizations for role xyz will never impact your user.

    Hopefully this explains why you weren't seeing the same as Robert (and provides a path forward) towards getting @Robert Dostal suggestion to work for you!


    If not, (and just as one more general tool to have in your toolbox for customizing the Cognos UI (specifically for removing elements, but can also be used for other styling customization)), let me add one more approach:

    One way to remove unwanted elements is to add a custom css stylesheet via an extension that sets an applicable property (e.g.  display:none) to the element class(es) that you want to impact. Of course, if the element you want to remove doesn't have a specific enough class, you can use a more creative CSS selector in this approach to target the element(s) you want to hide. An example of how to do this is provided here.


    So hopefully you can get the solution Robert provided working (after navigating the roles of your user). When you can get the customizations you want with the CA manage tool, it's definitely the best way to go (and less brittle to Cognos changing the layout of the page - e.g. changing a CSS class name - in a future release).

    Jim Boland


  • 6.  RE: How to remove assistant on home screen in 12.0.3?

    Posted 2 hours ago

    Hi Jim,

    thank you very much, I guess the Priority is the key. I remember a Cognos 8 version in which a contradictory assignment gave the user access. In later versions it was changed, that in case of a conflict the user does not get access, which makes perfectly sense in my opinion. 

    So Cognos seems to have the same behavior again but you can adjust it by using the priorities. This is essential to know for testing purposes. I guess some administrators test only one account and not the combination of different roles/groups. 

    Yvonne Warmbier
    Project Manager, Senior Consultant and Coach for BI and DWH projects
    ba.passion GmbH