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  • 1.  getConfigurationEntry( entryString options

    IBM Champion
    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi All.

    Does anyone know where I could find a list of options that the getConfigurationEntry( macro function can take?

    For example # getConfigurationEntry ( 'serverLocale'  ) #

    serverLocale is one option, but what are the others - or where do I find a list. Thanks.

    Marc Reed

  • 2.  RE: getConfigurationEntry( entryString options

    Posted 13 days ago

    Hi Marc,

    In <install>/configuration/cogstartup.xml
    look for the crn:parameter  elements at the top level, the name attribute can be used in this getConfigurationEntry function.
    E.g.  use serverTimeZoneID  defined as:
        <crn:parameter name="serverTimeZoneID">
            <crn:value xsi:type="cfg:timeZone">America/New_York</crn:value>

    Kind regards,
    Henk Cazemier

  • 3.  RE: getConfigurationEntry( entryString options

    Posted 5 days ago


    I'm using for defining environment that my server is running. It is usefull, as my database schemas change in one enviroment to another.

    So, bellow Enviroment setting in Cognos Configuration of all installations, I have created a new property called ambiente (environment in Portuguese) that set the database schema in FM Models. Ambiente can be DEV, QA, PROD, in our case.

    At datasource in our FM we define schema as follows: #substitute('''' ; '' ; substitute('</crn:value'''; '' ; csv(grep('crn:value$' ; split('>' ; grep('ambiente' ; split('crn:parameter' ; getConfigurationEntry('advancedProperties' )))))))) + '_schema_name'#

    Cognos Solution Architect
