The current set up:
- Profit and loss form is set up with period average rate (D) and is reported 8 times a year, excluding periods following a quarter closing.
- Specification forms, Tax, cash flow, segment information and so on, are reported quarterly and the accounts use ytd average rate (M) where the movements are to be reconciled with profit and loss accounts and are also movements over the year.
The challenge with this set up is that the translated difference between the D and M rate is growing.
For instance, the tax expense is reported in the PnL to the D rate while the specification is reported quarterly in the tax form quarterly and is converted using the M rate. The M rate will then take the YTD reported tax expense and convert it using the YTD rate, while the PnL tax cost is converted using the periodic rate to convert only the movement in
one period.
- What is the best practice to solve this?
- Ignoring best practice, how have you solved this?
Can a solution be to
- change the currency conversion on the specification to match the PnL accounts, e.g. to the D rate. Then copy the reported quarterly forms forward to the intermediate months so that for the next quarter only the movements between the reported, quarterly values and the copied previous quarter values are calculated.
- How do you prevent the companies from accessing the quarterly forms in the intermediate periods?
- Can a solution be to include the quarterly accounts in a separate form, which is closed for input?
Khai Nguyen