Cognos Analytics

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  • 1.  Cognos Map granularity

    Posted Wed September 20, 2023 09:25 AM


    I was trying to show the MAX temperature data on a map in Japan, but faced a challenge that data is shown in different granularities.

    In the below screenshot you'll see some prefectures coloured the entire area whereas you also see some dots (circles) pointing cities, I assume.

    I have labelled my column as "Prefecture" but I assume Cognos still recognize some of them as cities, possibly because the cases do exist where prefecture name = capital city name (e.g. Capital city in Osaka prefecture is Osaka city / Capital city in Hokkaido is Sapporo city).

    If anyone has any solutions to standardise the granularity at the prefecture-level, I would highly appreciate your advice.

    Best, Yuri

    Yuri Gorai

  • 2.  RE: Cognos Map granularity

    Posted Wed September 20, 2023 11:27 AM

    Hi Yuri,

    You might try to use zipcode, it might be easier. 

    Best regards,

    Patrick Neveu
    Positive Thinking Company
    IBM Champion

  • 3.  RE: Cognos Map granularity

    Posted Thu September 21, 2023 03:45 AM

    Hi Yuri,

    Please have a look at the Mapbox information for boundaries:

    You'll see a list of names for each level. Maybe different naming conventions are the cause for this effect.



    Philipp Hornung
    Business Intelligence Manager
    Techniker Krankenkasse
    Hamburg Germany

  • 4.  RE: Cognos Map granularity

    Posted Sat September 23, 2023 06:28 AM
    Edited by Yuri Gorai Sat September 23, 2023 06:35 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi Patrick and Philipp,

    Thanks so much for your advice.

    I played around with different options including Zipcode and also differentiated cities from prefectures by adding "-shi" (means city - as I saw having "shi" was the standard in mapbox that Philipp mentioned.)

    However, I didn't have any luck.

    As for the zipcode, unfortunately, 2-digit zipcodes already divide Japan into 100 areas whereas there are only 47 prefectures.

    Now I'm thinking maybe the prefecture data on the back side of Cognos is registered incorrectly. How could we fix it?

    I'm attaching a simplified data file that I used for this map so I would highly appreciate it if you could have a look, too.

    Thank you for your continuous help.

    Best, Yuri

    Yuri Gorai


  • 5.  RE: Cognos Map granularity

    Posted Tue September 26, 2023 06:13 AM

    Hi Yuri, 

    Your data needs to match the data of Mapbox precisely for each level (compare If you think the level definitions are wrong (or something else is wrong with the mapping) you could open an IBM support case. Then IBM can contact Mapbox if needed. 



    Philipp Hornung
    Business Intelligence Manager
    Techniker Krankenkasse
    Hamburg Germany