I'm trying to create a customized landing page for our users to start their PAW journeys.
What I'm envisioning is something like the old tiles metaphor.
I'm currently experimenting with action buttons with links to URL's which could open other workbooks or folders, but there are some things that I'd like to do that I don't know how to accomplish.
Some ideal functionality:
Have locked page header that does not scroll out of view
Have launch buttons below that when clicked would create a new "entry" in the drop down list of open items in PAW. Right now my action buttons with URL links create a new tab in the browser.
I can create a button that will go to any shared folders. Can I create one that would go to the users Personal folder?
Ideally buttons are somewhat dynamic - if they are alphabetical, and I insert a new one, I'd prefer not to have to rearrange all of them. And ideally as i do this buttons would automatically stay the same size and aligned in the grid
In the default templates, there are dotted grid lines in various configurations - I'm thinking these could help me create a table of buttons. Is there a way to create my own custom layout which might accomplish some of the goals listed above?
Has anyone got a sample deployment that I could look at if you've been able to accomplish some of the above?
Joshua Lobel