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full description of a Incident in the COGNOS report

  • 1.  full description of a Incident in the COGNOS report

    Posted Wed January 25, 2023 05:24 AM
    I'm trying to get the full description of a Incident in the COGNOS report system and I can't find the table of the full description,
    There is some way to get the full description
    Thanks for the help

    Shlomo Shvartz


  • 2.  RE: full description of a Incident in the COGNOS report

    Posted Thu January 26, 2023 01:24 PM
    From your UI, if you focus on any given field and then press [ALT]+[I] (or on Mac [Option]+[I] you will find the object.attribute designation for the field.  For Incident (SR, and Problem) they are all views on the Ticket object.  In general, the description attribute will have an associated long description.  SR and Incident expose this as part of the UI. This object attribute is LONGDESCRIPTION.LDTEXT.  The general relationship is the ldtext is associated to the object's description attribute.  This is very general.

    Provided you have access to the Database Configuration application you can go to the Incident object and see the various attribute configurations as well as relationships. For SR you will see there are several non persistent attributes all ending in _LONGDESCRIPTION.  These non persistent attributes are all executed at run time by the SR MBO bean class to go and fetch the associated data when viewing the SR.

    Specifically for the SR Details field you can interrogate the database with SQL like this :

    select ldtext from longdescription where ldkey = (select ticketuid from sr where ticketid = '1001') and ldownertable = 'TICKET' and LDOWNERCOL = 'DESCRIPTION'

    to get this:
    Here is what is looks like in Maximo

    Hope this helps

    Bradley K. Downing , MBA
    Senior Brand Technical Specialist
    Bakersfield CA