Getting Started
IBM TechXchange 2025 conference is accepting
Session proposals through April 11
by Fran Martinez
NOTE: This is a blog following the one "Installing TCR 3.1 with non-root user" ( This is the last one of a session of blogs covering a full TCR installation with non-root user but so important like the previous were since here we can verify if our hard job has been successful or not.
1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL for the JazzSM UI:
2. We logon:
3. click on common reporting:
4. in “public folder” click on “common reporting”
5. click “Reporting overview” and select “data Range” =ALL + click Finish
6. If you get something similar like this picture then it was correctly installed:
NOTE: you can access to the TCR without using the dashboard UI using the url: