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WAIOps v3.3 - Part 02 : Watson AIOps AI-Manager Installation

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Fri May 06, 2022 12:20 PM


This article explains about how to install Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS. The below sections describes that.

  • Watson AIOps 3.3.0 installation and demo setup requirements.
  • Installing Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS

The article is based on the the following.

  • RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
  • Watson AIOps 3.3.0

1. Watson AIOps 3.3.0 installation and demo setup requirements.

This documentation explains about the Hardware and account requirements for Watson AIOps 3.3.0 installation and demo setup.

1.1. RedHat Openshift on IBM Cloud

A RedHat Openshift on IBM Cloud (ROKS) with the below configuration needed to install Watson AIOps 3.3.0

  • OCP Version : 4.8.18
  • 5 Nodes with b3c.16x64 flavour. (CPU 16 core, Memory 64 GB)
  • Classic Infrastructure

Here is a reference values and steps for install.

1.2. Slack Account

SRE would be indicated about the incident through ChatOps such as Slack or Team.

Slack account is required for the WAIOps demo setup.

The link here explains about account creation and integration with WAIOps.

Note: At this point of time, you don't need to follow the link and install anything.

1.3. ServiceNow Account

A ServiceNow account is required or atleast Developer instance to be created using the below URL as part of the WAIOps demo setup..!/guides/rome/developer-program/pdi-guide/obtaining-a-pdi

Also refer the url : Up and Running (IBMers only)

Watson AIOps can create Incidents in ServiceNow apart from slack story. Also it can train the existing incidents from ServiceNow for identifying the Similar Incidents and to choose the next best action, in case of an incident.

2. Installing Watson AIOps AI-Manager on ROKS

This document explains about Installing IBM Watson AIOps AI Manager 3.3.0 on ROKS.

The script is based on the IBM Documentation

Installation script is available in files/

2.1. Update Properties

Update entitlement Keys

  1. Get IBM entitlement key from

  1. Replace the value of the ENTITLEMENT_KEY variable in files/

2.2. Install AI-Manager

2.2.1. Login to OCP Cluster

Login to OCP cluster using oc login command .

2.2.2. Run the install script

Goto the files folder and Run the install script as like below.

cd files
  • It would take around 1hr to complete the istallation.
  • By default the installation is done on the namespace cp4waiops
  • Keep checking the logs for the status.
  • The same script can be run again and again if the install stopped for any reason.

2.2.3. Output

The installation would be completed and the output could be like this.

USER: admin
PASSWORD: EpU2m........................jYUz

You can use this to login into the WAIOps Console.

2.3. Printing URL, Usr and Pwd

To get the AIMgr URL, user and password anytime after AIMgr install, you can run the below command. This will print the output as like above.

cd files

2.4. Cassandra Pods

If you have any probelm with the cassandra pods, run the below command

cd files

