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WAIOps v3.3 - Part 06 : Slack Account Creation and Integration

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Fri May 06, 2022 12:24 PM


This article explains about how to create Slack Account and Integrate in Watson AIOps.

The article is based on the the following.

  • RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
  • Watson AIOps 3.3.0


Here are the steps to be done when Configuring Slack for Watson AIOps AI Manager.

  • Create Slack Workspace
  • Create Slack Channels
  • Create Slack App
  • Integrate Slack in AI-Ops
  • Integrate AI-Ops in Slack
  • Update Nginx Certificate
  • Create Slash Command

1. Create Slack Workspace


Click on Create a New Workspace

Enter your email, otherwise go with Continue with Google

Choose your email

Click on Create a Workspace

Enter the workspace name

Enter some default channel name

Skip this step

Click on Use slack in your browser

It will open the workspace as like below.

2. Create Slack Channels

Click on Add Channel

Click on Create Channel (this is for proactive)

Enter Channel Name and etc

Click on Create

Click on Skip for Now

Similarly Create another channel (this is for reactive)

3. Create Slack App


Click on Create New App

Enter Slack App Name.

Choose the above created Workspace name.

Click on Create App.

Click on OAuth & Permissions from the left menu,

In Scopes section click on Add an OAuth Scope button

Add all the listed below

  • app_mentions:read
  • channels:manage
  • channels:read
  • chat:write
  • files:write
  • groups:read
  • groups:write
  • users:read

Click on Install in Workspace.

Click on Allow button.

Copy the Bot User oAuth Token to notepad.

Click on left menu Basic Information

Click on the Show and copy the Signing Secret to notepad.

Right click on the Channel and choose the copy Link and paste in notepad.

Do the same for both the channels.

4. Integrate Slack in AI-Ops

  1. In the AI-Ops console, click on Data and Tool connections in home page.

  1. Click on Add Connection.

  1. Click on ChatOps.

  2. Click on Add Connection.

  1. Click on Configure.

  1. Enter some Name.

  2. Enter the below fields that we copied above

  • Signing Secret
  • Bot Token
  • Proactive Channel
  • Reactive Channel
  1. Do the Test Connection

  2. Click on Done button.

  1. See the Slack integration created below

  2. Click on the Slack link

  1. Copy the slack url

5. Restart Nginx PODs

  1. Login into AIOps installed cluster using oc login ... command .

  2. Run the below command

oc delete pod $(oc get po -n cp4waiops |grep ibm-nginx |awk '{print$1}') -n cp4waiops

6. Integrate WAIOps in Slack

Click on Event Subscription from the left menu

Choose the On button in the Enable Events

Paste the slack url and the status becomes verified.

Choose the below item to in the Subscribe to bot Events section.

  • app_mention
  • member_joined_channel

Click on Save Changes

Click on the Interactivity & Shortcuts from the left menu

Click on the On checkbox.

Enter the Slack Url

Click on Save Changes

7. Create Slash Command

Click on Slash Commands in the left menu

Click on Create New Command button

Enter /welcome in the Command text box

Enter Request URL the slack url copied above from AI-Ops

Enter Description

Click on Save

Click on reinstall your app

Click on Allow button

Click on Add Apps for proactive channel

Click on Add button near to the app that was created above.

Click on Add Apps for reactive channel and add the app.

Run the below command to patch the slack integrator with /welcome

oc set env deployment/$(oc get deploy -l -o jsonpath='{.items[*] }') SLACK_WELCOME_COMMAND_NAME=/welcome

The above patch would restart the below nginx pod. Otherwise, you can do it manually.

Enter /welcome command in proactive channel and you should see the welcome message like this.

Enter /welcome command in reacive channel and you should see the welcome message like this.

