This article explains about how to do Training for the following in Watson AIOps.
- Log Anomaly detection
- Similar Incidents
The article is based on the the following
- RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
- Watson AIOps 3.2.0
1. Training - Log Anomaly Detection
1. Application
We use iLender application here.
Refer : 1. Deploying iLender Application to know how the app is deployed.

2. Generate Load
Generate load in the application for 20 minutes by referring 2. Generate Load for iLender App.
You need to have 10K lines of logs for each service in the application.
3. Enable Live logs for Training
While the load is ongoing in the application, do the following steps to enable the live log mode and to copy the logs into AIMgr for training.
- Goto the page
Data and tool connections
and select Humio

- Click on the humio connection

Select the Data flow
: On
Select the Mode
: Live Data for Initial AI Training
Click on the Save

Now the live data would get copied to AIMgr.
4. Stop Live logs
After 25 minutes, live logs can be disabled.
Select the Data flow
: Off
Click on the Save

5. Stop Load
The load script would have been stopped after 20 minutes.
6. Do Training
Goto the page AI Model Management
Click on Manage

- Click on

- Click on
Start Training

The training would start and go for 20 minutes
to 1 hour
based on the data size.
You will have Training Complete
status once the training is done.
- Click on
You can see the version trained and deployed.

2. Training - Similar Incidents
Goto the page AI Model Management
Click on Configure
link in Similar Incidents

- Click on

- Enter the below field values
- Configuration Name
- Configuration Description
- Click on

- Click on

- Click on

- Similar incidents training definition is created

- Click on
The Similar incidents training definition is displayed.

Released by :
Jeya Gandhi Rajan M
Vijaya Bhaskar R Siddareddi
Vijay Sukthankar (Squad Leader)
Hybrid-Cloud Squad
GSI Labs