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AIOps v3.1 - Series 09 : BookInfo Demo Setup for AIOps

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Wed May 12, 2021 05:49 PM


This document explains how to setup BookInfo demo in Watson AIOps 3.1.0.  

The article is based on the the following

  • RedHat OpenShift 4.6 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
  • Watson AIOps 3.1.0

Here are the steps involved.

1. Watson AIOps 3.1 Installation

S.No Title Reference
1.1 IBM Doc AI-Ops 3.1
1.2 Preparing to install IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps
1.3 Preparing to install IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps
1.4 Install Predictive Insights

2. Pre-requisites on User Laptop / client linux VM

S.No Title Description Reference
2.1 Install Apache Benche To create load on bookinfo app
2.2 Other installs Openshift CLI, Kubectl CLi, Curl, jq

3. Setup Managed Environment

S.No Title Description Reference
3.1 Install Bookinfo app Install Bookinfo app on the managed environment Details

4. Setup Operational Systems

S.No Title Description Environment Reference
4.1 Install Humio Setup Humio on a single node (16 core, 64 GB) Any VM Details
4.2 Install fluentbit Push the bookinfo logs to Humio (using Fluent-bit data shipper) Managed env Details
4.3 Create Slack acccount Setup free slack account and create workspace, channels and slack app Slack Details
4.4 Create ServiceNow Instance ServiceNow
4.5 Create Sample Incidents in Service now ServiceNow Details

5. Setup Initial Configurations in Watson AIOps 3.1

S.No Title Description
5.1 Configure Event Manager Gateway Details
5.2 Enable event ingestion in Event Manager Need to expose Event Manager to push events. Details
5.3 Setup Slack Integration Integrate with Slack collaboration platform. Need to copy nginx certificate as well. Details
5.4 Setup Humio Integration Details
5.5 Setup Servicenow Integration Details
5.6 Setup Kubernetes Integration Details
5.6 Create runbooks Create runbooks in Event Manager to resolve the issue Details

6. Application Management

S.No Title
6.1 Create Application from App Group Details

7. AI Model Management

7.1 Create Training Definition for Log Anomaly Detection Details
7.2 Create Training Definition for Event Grouping Details
7.3 Create Training Definition for Similar Incidents Details

8. Training AI-Types

8.1 Generate Load Generate the load for the bookinfo app. Details
8.2 Log Anomaly Detection training Create load in app, enable Data flow on humio integration, selction the mode, start the Log Anomaly Detection training Details
8.3 Event Grouping training Push training events, enable Data flow on kafka integration, selction the mode, start the Event Grouping training Details
8.4 Similar Incidents training Enable Data flow on Servicenow integration, selction the mode, start the Similar Incidents training Details

9. Inferencing

9.1 Demo Script Prepare demo script to introduce log anomaly and ingest events Details
9.2 Induce Error Scale down ratings pod to 0 by executing the demo script Details
9.3 Check Stories on Web and Slack Check the stories created by WA Details
9.4 Fixing Error Trigger runboook which includes automation Details
9.5 Induce Error using Predictive Insight Details

Released by :

Jeya Gandhi Rajan M
Vijaya Bhaskar R Siddareddi
Vijay Sukthankar (Squad Leader)

Hybrid-Cloud Squad

