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AIOps v3.1 - Series 03 : Create Application using Kubernetes Observer

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Wed May 12, 2021 05:13 PM


This article explains about how to Create Application using Kubernetes Observer in Watson AIOps.

The article is based on the the following

  • RedHat OpenShift 4.6 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
  • Watson AI-Ops 3.1.0
  1. Goto Application Management screen

Application management screen shows list of groups which are observered through Kubernetes observer.

The list shows a group called devbi.

Kubernetes resources, such as pod, service, deployment, node and etc, available in the namespace devbi should have been observed through Kubernetes observer and the group devbi should have been created.

To know how to create kubernetes observer, you can refer the link

  1. Click on Create Application to create a new application from the group.

  1. Choose the group devbi to create application from this group.

  1. Click on Add to Application button

  1. Enter any value in Application Name.

Check the Mark as Favorite checkbox to mark this application to display in your favorite list.

Make sure devbi group is listed in the selected group.

Click on Create Application button to create the application.

  1. Application is created and displayed like the below.

This application page also shows the topology digram of the application, which contains the pod, service, deployment, node and etc. It contains microservices such as Product Page, Reviews, Ratings and Details.

Released by :

Jeya Gandhi Rajan M
Vijaya Bhaskar R Siddareddi
Vijay Sukthankar (Squad Leader)

Hybrid-Cloud Squad


