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Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

  • 1.  Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon November 25, 2019 05:08 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:37 PM

    Welcome to the new and improved IBM Data Science community! I am your community manager (you can also find me over in the Business Analytics Community), and I look forward to supporting this group by monitoring feedback and questions, providing useful information and tools, and building out a vibrant ecosystem for users to get access to courses and education, share ideas and use cases, ask for advice, and troubleshoot. ​

    If you're brand new to IBM Community, get a quick 101 primer here

    A quick tour of what you'll see in the new community:

    In the Know: Check here for our monthly newsletters, curated by data science experts including @Michael Tamir, @Nick Acosta, @Michael Mansour, @William Roberts @Trisha Mahoney and @Austin Eovito. Be sure to join the discussion and share your thoughts on topics such as: 

    What else would you like to see in the newsletter? 

    AI Skills: 
    We find education and training to be a highly valued asset to members of our data science community. While we have a partnership with Coursera and other training organizations to bring you complimentary programs, we also have the IBM Skills Gateway, where you can get certification in a number of different areas.

    Keep an eye on this section for what's happening in AI Learning and Education, including an open source data science curriculum in conjunction with UPenn and The Linux Foundation, as well as a webinar on how to get AI-certified through IBM and grow your data science career.  If you're interested in this, be sure to join the conversations going on in our AI Learning group

    One of our Data Science Elite members, @Carlo Appugliese just put out an e-book, Agile AI: A Practical Guide to Building AI Applications and Teamsfree to community members. 

    Hands-On: There's no better way to build your data science skillset, network and repertoire than to try things out for yourself! This section includes how-to's, projects, tools, data sets, etc. to explore and learn for yourself. Check out: 

    Group Discussions: As the primary function for community, we invite all of our members to use the discussion board as a place to introduce yourselves, share some background on your experience, ask any questions or advice to other members and experts, or put out a call to action. Since we're brand new, I encourage everyone to reply to this thread with a brief introduction, the data science tools you use, some projects you've published on GitHub or elsewhere, how you intend to engage with this community, and most importantly what you'd like to see.  

    Local Groups: Are you a local user group leader? Would you like to start a user group? Local user groups are a great way to connect and interact both online and offline with other IBM users near you. For more on local user groups and to apply to lead one in our community today, click here. IBM Community proudly sponsors many local user group events around the world, and would love to connect with you and support your efforts. 

    Don't forget to catch our first ever IBM User Group Day, a 2-day virtual event spanning 12 tracks across our community on May 19-20!

    Data Science Spotlight: 
    We spotlight a featured community member or blog monthly. Could this be you? Nominate yourself or someone else

    Events: New in May! Join our monthly community office hours and virtual meetups! Check our calendar and register

    Want to dig into skills and training? Start your Data Science learning journey here, by attending our webinars and in-person events. Have something to share with our community, such as leading a product use case webinar or tips and tricks? Send me a message or reply here and we'll get you set up. 

    You can also catch replays, including Watson Assistant and Watson Studio Onboarding here

    News: Here you'll find an integration of news sources relevant to Data Science, largely sourced from our community blogs, generated by both members and experts. If you're interested in becoming a blogger on IBM Community, please reach out to me here!  The overall Community platform hosts over 130,000 members across 12+ different topic areas. 

    You'll also see a leaderboard on the left side of the home page. Earn points for every post that you contribute to or even read. There are plenty of achievement badges to collect.

    Looking forward to getting to know our members and continuing to tailor the Data Science community to your needs. Thanks for dropping an introduction and any feedback here -- again, welcome!​​​​​​​​​

    Christina Howell


  • 2.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Thu December 12, 2019 03:17 AM
    Thanks Christina! I've been learning so much on IBM over these last few months. Thanks for all the help with sharing educational information and resources.

    Benjamin Ogden

  • 3.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon February 10, 2020 02:41 PM
    Welcome new members!

    Thanks to our wonderful partnership with Coursera, our data science community just welcomed nearly 1,500 new members over the last 7 days. For those of you joining us by way of the Coursera newsletter, we are pleased to have you join us here, and look forward to learning more about you while we continue to share resources and events that are valuable to your data science journey. 

    In this thread, you'll see I shared a quick tour of the community - including how to navigate, some articles to check out, events and more. For those of you interested in the complimentary Coursera courses, you can participate by joining the AI Learning group here, and click on the "Join Group" button in the banner. Then you'll receive an email on how to proceed. 

    Stay tuned for emails containing upcoming educational webinars and virtual and in-person meetups. Be sure to complete your profile, including adding your country and photo - you won't want to miss out on local events, or opportunities to join local groups. By opting in to our daily digest, you'll be updated on activity happening across the community each evening by email. Let me know if you have any questions, and please let us know how your community experience has been so far!

    Christina Howell

  • 4.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Tue February 11, 2020 10:32 AM
    Hello Christina,
    How to get Coursera one month  free subscription.please let know.
    Chandrakanth B

    Bachu Chandrakanth

  • 5.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Wed February 12, 2020 10:15 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:35 PM
    Hello Christina and Community!!!

    What an incredible resource to have for all beginners, experienced individuals, and teams, as well as seasoned experts and gurus!   After 22 years with IBM, I am still amazed at the innovation and community engagement that is at the foundation of our great organization and its transformation initiatives including Watson, AI, Data Science, and so much more!

    I am the P2P Transformation Lead for IBM Procurement Services-Delivery and we always have an abundance of projects/initiatives underway for which we are targeting the incorporation of Watson, deep analytics, and the data sciences.  This community will be a great resource for us to share some of the opportunities and challenges we face  Hopefully, we can crowdsource some ideas and resolutions while my team gladly contributes our experience and lessons learned to help others with their projects.

    It is a new day, a new world, and IBM is lighting the way!

    David W. Kovalcik

  • 6.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu May 07, 2020 03:58 AM
    Welcome to all 700+ new members who have joined the IBM Data Science Community since our last virtual office hours on April 15. Please check in today at 8am Pacific for your new member orientation. We'll provide a brief tour of the community, and you'll get to meet fellow community members in a small-group setting. See you there!

    Tim Bonnemann

  • 7.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Thu May 07, 2020 11:07 AM
    Hello my name is Ricardo and I was born in Chile, but raised in many different countries so I consider myself a citizen of the world and as of late a netizen.

    To be honest, I have always loved AI and data science as a curious observer. The outbreak of the pandemic made me enter a strange resilient mode and I have been feverishly studying, analizing and browsing the web for 20 hours a day everyday from March 8th. And here I am now. Mostly I am interested in assuring that AI and all its tecnologies and science are also used for the betterment of the world and human society. And as a priority to redefine the world we have to restart soon. 
    IBM has been a safe haven for me, and I am grateful for being here, together with all of you, diverse and multidisciplinary group of people with all sorts of skill level, from seasoned professionals and academics to user level newbies like me.

    That is a good start.

    Ricardo Fernandez
    Independent creative solutions designer and researcher
    Independent research
    Santa Cristina d'Aro

  • 8.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu May 07, 2020 12:00 PM
    Nice to meet you! And thanks for joining the office hours today. Let us know if you have any ideas in terms of content, events or community activities we should consider adding.

    Tim Bonnemann

  • 9.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Sat May 09, 2020 04:03 PM
    Hi Tim, thank you for hosting such a nice meeting. I mean, loved the app, the breakout rooms are just amazing. I can easily see this idea in its next iteration as a social gathering place for creating ideas or brainstorming.  Really empathized when mobile went rogue on you. It happened to me too. Quick anecdote:  I was invited to this nice friendship bench hosted by a community of businessmen who believe in positivity and emotional intelligence. Really nice people. I don't have a webcam. (currently hacking a Kinect to be my webcam and also all kind of spacial data toy). So, I logged in with the phone into a zoom meeting, and also with the laptop. That way I could use a phone camera and a laptop to chat.  At the beginning we were like 20 people on a main room. When they sent us to the breakout rooms, my phone was sent to one and the laptop to another one on the same IP. Now, security experts should go over this, because I am sure it is a flaw that allows this to happen. Anyways there I was in one group with audio and video, and in another with chat and audio. 

    See you next time!

    Ricardo Fernandez
    Independent creative solutions designer and researcher
    Independent research
    Santa Cristina d'Aro

  • 10.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Mon July 20, 2020 11:44 AM

    Hi @Christina Howell,

    Thank you for the introduction and the great resources.

    I had a look at the Local Groups, and didn't see many of them. 

    However, I started thinking about Industry Groups; is there such a thing?  For example, Higher Education, Healthcare, and etc.?


    Ramin Faraji

  • 11.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon July 20, 2020 12:28 PM

    Welcome @Ramin Faraji! ​Thank you for joining the community. 

    The Data Science Community has 5 topic groups that you can join (I see you are already joined to the Global Data Science Forum, which is the most active group here). You can also visit IBM Community Home from the top left navigation on the page to see the communities that span our platform, each having multiple groups within as well - there are over 500 groups nested within all of our communities. 

    Great feedback on industry groups - as of now, our groups are centered mostly around a particular product area so that we can help and connect users of IBM solutions. However, there are general groups in most communities, like Data Science, Security, Public Cloud, DataOps that serve as more of a catch-all for general conversation. From each group you can utilize Search in the upper right corner to see what results come up for keywords like the ones you mention: healthcare, education, etc. The results page will show content from multiple communities and properties at once so you can filter to your needs. 

    Hope this helps!

    Christina Howell

  • 12.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Tue July 28, 2020 11:54 AM
    Thank you, Christina, for providing a really detailed introduction to the community. I am Abdullah Nafees from Lahore, Pakistan, currently working as a Systems Engineer at health tech company providing implementation services to public and private hospitals. I have a BCS degree and currently, I am getting my hands dirty in AI and machine learning ever since the lockdown as I was really missing working in the field. I use Python, TuriCreate, the fastai library, and PyTorch for my machine learning practice when I am taking online courses on Coursera and Udacity. I am planning to do IBM AI Engineering Professional Certificate to hopefully kickstart my ML Engineering career and also give me a confidence boost. I am glad to be here. Thank you!

    Abdullah Nafees

  • 13.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Tue August 04, 2020 09:17 AM
    First of all, thank you for all the useful information. My name is Minh Chau. I recently just completed IBM Data Science Professional Certificate on Coursera. So far, I have 1 project published on Github as my capstone project for the course ( I'm looking for ways to participate in more projects and hone my skills in data science. Also I'm looking for opportunities to get an entry-level job data scientist, please give me some advice to get one foot in. And if you could give me feedback on the capstone project (even though it us completed), I would like to see how I can improve. Thank you again!

    Minh Chau

  • 14.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Mon August 17, 2020 10:05 AM
    Hello @Christina Howell and Everyone,
    My name is Stanislav. Originally from Moscow / Russia. ​But now I live in Poznan / Poland.
    I finished Civil Engineering University in Moscow and worked in my specialty more than 10 years. I have experience in a variety of construction areas including different roles. But after moving to Poland, I decided to radically change my career and change my specialty.

    My choice was obvious to me - my specialty should be in the field of IT, because this is exactly what I have been passionate about since childhood. As an example, in high school I passed the MCSE TCP/IP exam.
    Due to the fact that I have a superficial knowledge of completely different areas of IT technologies, I decided to start with something specific. I chose the Applied Data Science course from IBM on the Coursera platform in order to start learning Python. But in the process of taking the course, I became very interested in Data Science directly and switched to the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate on Coursera.
    I am so in love with Data Science that I greedily consume all the information in this area. I would like to thank the IBM for adapting the courses to the Coursera platform, as well as for the creation of Also, for the availability of training materials and for the IBM Developer Skills Network.

    And also I am very grateful for the presence of the IBM Data Science Community for the opportunity to communicate and meet other like-minded people.

    Stanislav Korobko

  • 15.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu August 27, 2020 12:19 PM
    Thanks for the kind words. Great to have you!

    Tim Bonnemann

  • 16.  RE: Welcome to the new IBM Data Science Community

    Posted Thu September 24, 2020 12:49 PM
    Thank you so much, Christina the useful information 👍

    Wilberforce Pacheco