SPSS Statistics 25 Fixpack #2 is now available for download. This update is recommended for all customers of SPSS Statistics. You can download for your operating system at the link below: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ibm10732830 #SPSSStatistics #SPSSSupport
As part of the ongoing License Key Center redesign - as mentioned in previous blog - we have made key functionality updates. In this blog, we will show you how to: 1) Add Feature to Your Installed Product – If you already have SPSS Statistics Base installed, you can now create an...
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As part of our continued effort to revitalized and improve the License Key Center, we have released a number of critical updates designed to improve your experience: 1) Generate Authorization Codes - This is for new installs. We have fixed a previous issue with creating codes to enable...
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Do you use the License Key Center? If so, you probably saw that we have been working to improve your experience with a new UI . Tell us what you think in this brief survey - we would love to hear from you and get your feedback as it will be of great value to our goal of delivering the best...
SPSS Statistics and Modeler are now both available as Subscriptions. That means you can purchase what you need, when you need it, with fast downloads, no more license keys, simple user management, and easy upgrades. These Subscription offerings are the easiest ways to own SPSS software. ...
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On September 22nd we announced upcoming changes to the Licensing Portal targeted at improving user experience with the tool. As a first step, we have already made access to License Key Center easier by adding links to the Support Page and Passport Advantage. You can refer to our previous...
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SPSS Statistics 25 is now available for download. This update is recommended for all customers of SPSS Statistics. You can download for your operating system at the link below: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24043997 #25 #fixpack #SPSS #SPSSStatistics ...
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IBM SPSS Statistics Subscription includes unique capabilities including easy updates to the latest features, easy user management, easy downloads, and does it all without license keys. A more subtle yet powerful feature is the easy ability to change from one machine to another. Here's a quick...
On July 31 we announced a new SPSS Support Portal that provides a clean and crisp service experience. Our job in improving your experience was not done. With that in mind, I want to make sure you know what new improvements you can expect to happen soon. First, we’ve added easier access to...
[caption id="attachment 6918" align="alignnone" width="1149"] Screenshot of the new SPSS Support Portal[/caption] When you require product support, you shouldn't have to navigate multiple websites in order to get the information you need. Support options should be clean, crisp, and fast so...