What’s New in Event-led Integration: Transforming Your Business Webinar

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Tue February 21, 2023 03:57 PM

Watch the On-Demand Webinar Today

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Event-Integration patterns built on streaming technologies such as Apache Kafka are in common use, connecting real-time events from existing systems to power new event-driven applications being created. However, these events could be even more useful and transformative for your business if only you have the ability to re-use and unlock their full potential. Join us to hear how IBM’s event-integration capabilities; event distribution, discovery & management and insights & action, help accelerate your event-driven journey, and how our vision will help everyone, both technical and business users, make use of real-time insights derived from your business’ events to accelerate the speed of your business.

Key Speakers

Alan Chatt - Product Manager, Event Driven Integration

Alan is a seasoned Product manager with 15+ years experience in messaging. Currently working on IBM Event Driven Integration. You can find Alan running or mountainn biking when unplugged from the Matrix.

pdf file
Whats new in event integration - transfom your business.pdf   2.15 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Tue February 21, 2023