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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
The UK's Royal Mail Group is one of the oldest mail carriers in the world – pre-dated only by the mail services of Portugal, and of the Roman Empire. The modern Royal Mail, explains Martin Moore (Royal Mail Platform Director), has been innovating with cloud for some time – exposing its APIs in a...
As I look back on the breakthroughs that define major transitions in computing, these occur by overcoming constraints. It has been a long journey from the early days of computing to where we are today. In trying to envision where we are going it often helps to look at the path that got us to...
Gartner has been a proponent of Bimodal IT for almost 5 years. IBM and every other API management vendor have been touting Two-speed IT or Multi-speed Integration or other names for the idea that companies can benefit from APIs enabling a faster time to market for business offerings. However,...
Last month my colleagues Kim Clark and Krithika Prakash wrote two great blogs on positioning and integrating API Management and Istio (see links below). They both touched on the business value aspects, but I wanted to provide more focus on the business side of this technology relationship. ...
The most frequent request I’ve been getting lately is “Help me build an API Economy Strategy”. Quite a bit goes in to answering this and I struggled with how to address it in this short form blog format. So, strategically (pun intended) I have been writing parts of the answer over the last...
Uber I was very tempted to make this the shortest blog ever written and end it there. But Uber is only one example of innovation with APIs. Continuing the API Economy Business Drivers series this blog addresses the third business driver in the series - “Innovation”. The Innovation...
Last week I wrote a blog on the recommended roles for an API initiative . But, where do these API roles fit in the organization? This week I’d like to address Organizational structure. Let’s be clear that there is not only one way to organize that is correct for every company. What is best...
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“How big does a business need to be before offering assets via business APIs using IBM API Connect?” I’ll answer a question with a set of questions, all starting with “How big does a business need to be before it …” Needs a web site? Needs a mobile App? Wants to provide...
What is the most common question I am asked about APIs? The answer is, “can you give me an example in my industry?” About 15 months ago I started writing a series of blogs giving API examples for every industry. First I introduced a way to structure the discussion in a blog called, “...
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Cities are competing to attract new residents, businesses and visitors and of course keep the residents and businesses that are already there. As we have previously discussed in “ Government APIs – Do more with less ”, resources and budgets are tight. So, cities need to use new techniques to...