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This past quarter, our team has been invested in many new, exciting capabilities as part of our releases. One of these items has to do with the deployment flexibility of the IBM API Connect analytics subsystem. We realize that enterprises often have pre-existing configurations of many useful...
Are you excited to start testing your APIs on your laptop/desktop locally? Look no further! Here's a quick demo showing you the steps involved in installing LTE. Download LTE (Beta) from Fix Central - ...
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There are many ways to split and organize teams in IBM API Connect but there are some considerations which can influence the decisions when deciding whether to split at the Provider Organization, Catalog or Space level. Architectural Overview Architectural Topology Overview ...
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The Practical Test Pyramid is a common methodology for implementing a testing strategy. In this article we will consider how this applies to an IBM API Connect solution. We will explore the following topics: Practical Test Pyramid Requirements Test types - Unit Test ...
Overview In this post, we will explore a basic workflow of analytics. This will serve as a high-level overview, through each application of API Connect's Analytics page. First, we will create a saved search. Next, we will create a visualization based on that search. Finally, we will create...
What are companies doing about an API Center of Excellence (CoE)? Well, the best way to answer this question is to ask some businesses this exact question. I contacted two companies who I know are doing very well on their API initiatives to get their insights into how they have organized...
Introducing IBM's API Connect 2018.1 a scalable multi-cloud API Management platform, agnostic of hypervisors or cloud providers. A platform built ground up based on micro-service architecture, that is cloud native to it's core. In addition to deployment advances, new API Management tooling has...
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Determining the appropriate Governance processes for an API initiative is not easy. There are camps inside the company that tend to pull in conflicting directions. Some focusing on the desire for speed will drive toward very little governance, while other parts of the company who are currently...
Most businesses have organized themselves internally as multiple lines of business (LoBs). Separating in this manner provides all sorts of business benefits, but often introduces questions in API initiatives about when and how to cross the LoB boundaries. When it comes to managing APIs,...
Every time I get into a conversation about API Monetization I feel like quoting from The Princess Bride , “I do not believe that word means what you think it means.” Many businesses are excited about APIs and the API Economy and have heard of a terrific opportunity for API Monetization. This...