Webinar: Design and enforce standards across your APIs with IBM API Connect's governance capability

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When:  Feb 1, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM (ET)


Our series of webinars dedicated to the key features of IBM API Connect continues in 2024. On February 1, Dan Temkin, Senior Product Manager, talks about the processes and controls that are needed to manage, monitor, and maintain APIs.

Join this session to learn about:

  • What is governance in the API Space
  • What happens without Governance
  • How can governance be painlessly implemented with API Connect

Key speakers

Dan Temkin, Senior Product Manager, IBM API Connect

Dan Temkin is a Senior Product Manager for IBM API Connect and has 18 years of integration experience in APIs, SOA, and EAI as client and vendor. In his capacity, Dan Temkin helps drive the API Connect product line, developing the overall product strategy and working with customers on their API Connect requirements. Previously at IBM, Dan Temkin has been a leader in technical sales working with IBM Integration clients across the Americas.

Event Image


Michael Williams
