Yes I think config-sync supports 10.0.5 but you'd need to check the docs. If it doesn't then you need to be upgrading to 10.0.8 soon anyway as fix support ends for 10.0.5 in June.
Thats a consumer api call, you can only use that if you are the consumer and have logged in as them. I doubt that's what you ant to do.
Use the provider API instead, it also has operations to set the consumer application credentials.
The APis are named based on who can use them not the assets it acts on. If you're logging in (getting an api token) using api manager credentials you need to use the provider api. You can only use the consumer api as the consumer themselves (dev portal username / password).
Original Message:
Sent: Sun February 23, 2025 10:42 AM
From: Kumar .
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
Dear Chris,
1)What version of APIC are you using (specifically, including fixpack)?
v10.0.5.7 (OVA, VM)
Can we have config-sync for the APIC version, which is on the .OVA platform? If yes, sure we will use it.
2)What are you actually trying to achieve ?
We have to move all the cOrgs, cApps from one pOrg1 to the another pOrg2 due to our requirements. Using batch script we created all the cOrgs, cApps in the P2 with the same information of the cOrgs, cApps which ahs been created in P1.
Now we want to match the same client credentials for consumer applications in the both pOrg1 and pOrg2.
3) What steps are you following and what is happening?
As you told, using the below one I could be able to update the cApp credentials to match with pOrg1. Here, we passed client id and secret of the cApp from pOrg1 and updated the credentials of cApp in pOrg2.
curl --location --request PATCH
https://stg-consumer/consumer-api/apps/reset-credentials/resetapp/credentials/Credential-for-resetAPP-0' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-IBM-Consumer-Context: pOrg.catalog' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \
--data '{
"type": "credential",
"client_id": "",
"client_secret": ""
Original Message:
Sent: Sun February 23, 2025 07:03 AM
From: Chris Dudley
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
The developer portal does not allow you to provide the credentials as part of the reset function, you can only do that via the REST API or CLI.
"It is not accepting" ? what does that mean? If you're getting an error, what is it? Is there anything in the log ?
The consumer API can only be called by consumers - it will not accept API Manager credentials, to use those you'd need to use the provider API, which also has operations for resetting consumer credentials.
What are you actually trying to achieve ? What steps are you following and what is happening? What version of APIC are you using (specifically, including fixpack)?
Its very hard to help if you don't provide any information.
Chris Dudley
Original Message:
Sent: Sun February 23, 2025 03:40 AM
From: Kumar .
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
@Chris Dudley
Using the reset credentials feature in the dev portal, I provided the credentials of one consumer(still this is existed and subscribed apis) to another newly created consumer in a different provider organization. However, it is not accepting the credentials I provided. Could you explain why this is happening and how to fix it?
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 10, 2025 03:02 PM
From: Chris Dudley
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
yes that's possible. You can provide the old client id and secret (I assume you know it from somewhere else because you can't export secrets from apic as they're only stored as one way hashes) to the credentials reset operation and it will then use those values not create new ones.
Can I recommend looking into config-sync to synchronise the consumer artifacts?
Chris Dudley
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 10, 2025 01:36 PM
From: Kumar .
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
Dear Chris,
I have retrieved all the users and their respective consumer organizations from one provider organization. Now, I am working on writing a script to push (create with the same information) all these users and consumer organizations into another organization.
However, for consumer applications and their credentials, we are considering keeping the same client credentials for consumer applications in the new organization as well. This way, end users won't need to change the client ID on their end.
However, we are unsure if we can have same client credentials in another provider organization or not. Could you confirm if we can achieve?
Original Message:
Sent: Tue January 28, 2025 01:42 AM
From: Chris Dudley
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
Have a look at config-sync, you should find it in the 10.0.8 documentation.
Chris Dudley
Original Message:
Sent: Mon January 27, 2025 03:41 AM
From: Kumar .
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
Hello All,
Can anyone please help me with your Inputs?
Original Message:
Sent: Sun January 26, 2025 01:17 AM
From: Kumar .
Subject: solution to move existing consumer orgs, apps to another provider organization
Hello Everyone,
Is there any solution to move existing consumer organization, applications to another provider organization? Appreciate any Insights, Thank you.