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  • 1.  Application - subscription report or file extract

    Posted Tue June 15, 2021 10:05 AM
    Is there anyway to get a report or data extract of all the user apps, client id, and what subscriptions they have out of APIC v5?

    Rick Sisson

  • 2.  RE: Application - subscription report or file extract

    Posted Wed June 16, 2021 09:18 AM
    There are a couple options: you can pull the data from the /apim GUI via REST calls or you could write a Drupal module to get the data from the portal. I have done both at one point or another. The first option uses some undocumented APIs that you can find using browser tools to inspect the Web GUI. The second method uses the info that Drupal already has.

    I have a NodeJS script I wrote to get this data from v5 along with the analytics data. I've used this to see who is subscribed to what and what they are actually using. There is an option to not include the analytics data and it would likely generate close to what you are after. This option uses the Web GUI REST APIs so it must be run as a user that can see the catalog data. Code is available at: https://bitbucket.org/wittjr/apic_v5_usage_analyzer/src/master/.  I also have a v10 version written in Python https://bitbucket.org/wittjr/apic_v10_usage_analyzer/src/master/

    Unfortunately I don't have code to shared for the Drupal method, but I have done this for clients to generate a CVS file download on a consumer org basis. It basically involves querying for all the applications for the current consumer org, getting the subscription data from the application node and then filling in the product/API details.

    Jamie Witt

  • 3.  RE: Application - subscription report or file extract

    Posted 2 days ago

    Thanks for providing use full information ....

    Currently we are using v10.0.5.4 version, requesting you to provide the equivalent API for the following ... 

    r = requests.post('https://%s/analytics/catalogs/%s/%s/analytics-services/%s/events' %
                                (props['host'], props['org'], props['catalog'], analytics_service['id']), json=query, verify=False, headers=headers)
                if (r.status_code == 200):
                    events_array = r.json()['events']
                    page_after = r.json().get('page_after')
                    page_end = r.json().get('page_end')
                tries += 1
                if (tries == 40):
                    print('Ran out of retries trying to get events')
            for event in events_array:
            if page_end:
        return events


    It is failing to execute in ...

    Ns J

  • 4.  RE: Application - subscription report or file extract

    Posted 2 days ago
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    Find the below error screenshot for your reference

    Ns J