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What's New in DataPower API Gateway Policies (w/ Demos!)

By Winston Lee posted Mon October 21, 2019 04:49 PM

The IBM API Connect and DataPower Gateway team is happy to announce three additional policies that are available for you to use today. These three policies are Redact, Activity Log and Rate Limit. This past quarter, we not only released policies that your organization knows and loves (if you are an API Connect V5 user), but also have improved upon some of the key functionality.

You spoke, we listened and have used your meaningful feedback to deliver the following improvements:

A new and improved Redact policy!

Our team has delivered an easier-to-use Redact policy as part of the 2018.4.1.7 release. You can now leverage the power of JSONata, a lightweight querying language for JSON data, to easily specify which objects you would like to apply the Redact policy to. When applying redaction, by default, characters in a string of redacted data will be replaced with a set number of asterisks. Additionally, the policy comes with the capability of removing the object from the returned payload altogether. We understand how highly anticipated this release was, as the Redact policy helps your organization ensure that any PII (personally identifiable data) remains protected. View the documentation for Redact here.


[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="http://developer.ibm.com/apiconnect/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2019/10/Redact-Policy.mp4"][/video]


Achieve a true end-to-end view of your assembly with the new Activity Log policy!


We have delivered a new type of logging policy with the IBM DataPower API Gateway. The “activity-log” policy can provide a true view of what is going on at every point of your API assembly. As you may recall, in the previous version of IBM API Connect, the log policy only allowed you to see content logged at the end of the assembly. This new capability can be useful for assembly debugging, audit and more. View the documentation for Activity Log here.


[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="http://developer.ibm.com/apiconnect/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2019/10/720-activity-log.mp4"][/video]

View the code here.


We have also delivered a Rate Limit policy as part of our latest release. You can view the documentation here.

