Enabling SNMP on the APIC Management Server
1. Log into the API Connect Management Server via CLI (putty).
2. Issue mgmt snmp show all to see whether snmp is enabled or not on the server:
You may see other parameters for the mgmt snmp command by pressing tab after mgmt snmp show <tab> or mgmt snmp set <tab>:
Reference to SNMP CLI commands.
3. Enable the snmp to the values you need for your SNMP server.
Afterwards, you should be able to use a SNMP walker to test polling the SNMP values
Sample test SNMP walk on API Connect Management Server
For this section, I used a SNMP walk / MIB browser to poll the snmp values on API Connect.
Consult your SNMP server team to see if there is a SNMP MIB walker client to poll the API Connect Management Server for the values shown in this section.
1. Open your 3rd party SNMP MIB walker tool and set up the endpoint to APIC (ensure that your community string is set correctly).
I’m using iReasonings MIB browser as a free testing tool:
2. Then walk the OID .1.3.6 to get all the snmp values for your APIC Management Server.
Now, you can review the OID values for the API Connect Management Server.
Recommended SNMP OIDs to poll for alerting
You will notice that it will be difficult to cross reference the walked OID values to statistics you require, but most of the industry standard OIDs are mapped to the API Connect Management Server. If there are any OIDs which values are off, please open a PMR for this issues.
CPU, Memory, & Load
Here are the following OIDs which are recommended to monitor, which alerts should set for rawsystemcputime, memoryUsed, and 1minuteLoad.
1minuteLoad .
5minuteLoad .
15minuteLoad .
MemoryUsed .
MemoryFree .
SystemUptime .
percentageofuserCPUtime .
rawusercputime .
percentagesofsystemCPUtime .
rawsystemcputime .
Hard Disk Utilization
The following are also recommended, but the monitoring team will probably have to execute some logical coded calculations into getting the proper values for the hard disk utilization.
You will notice the values in the diagram below.
To get disk used, multiply the allowcationUnits by StorageUsed.
It it recommeneded to set an alert for the /wip and /ih_var folders when they reach about 80%.