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API Governance Exercising - Using CLI

By Sadeq Al-Rumaih posted Tue July 02, 2024 02:20 AM


This blog demonstrates the API governance feature using CLI in API Connect v10.0.6+.

This example was done on APIC on AWS, similar steps can be applied for different setups of APIC.

APIC CLI login 

Login to API Connect Manager UI, navigate to the Download Toolkit section, and download the Toolkit credentials.

Then open the MyProfile dropdown menu and click the My API keys to find or create an API Key.

To log in via CLI, run the following commands.

# Set the credential:
apic client-creds:set /tmp/credentials.json

# Login with API key

User01-Mac ~ % apic login --sso -s https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com --context provider 
Please copy and paste the url https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com/manager/auth/manager/sign-in/?from=TOOLKIT to a browser to start the authentication process.
Do you want to open the url in default browser? [y/n]: n
API Key? acae519a-a8ff-43ce-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx
Logged into platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com successfully

CLI commands

  • Login to CLI
apic login --sso -s <server_url> --context provider 
apic login --sso -s https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com --context provider 

Here we used apiKey as this aws version of APIC, in different cases, you might use a user credential.

  • List organizations in APIC
apic orgs:list -s <server_url> --my
apic orgs:list -s https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com --my 

  • List Ruleset
apic -m governance rulesets:list --org <target_org> --server <server_url> 
apic -m governance rulesets:list --org tech-sales --server https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com 

Sample APIs to use

Validating and Testing


Validate one or more draft APIs (stored files) Using CLI:

apic --mode governance compliance:validate --org <target_org> --server <server_url> --rulesets <ruleset_name_1>,<ruleset_name_2> API_FILE 
apic --mode governance compliance:validate --org tech-sales --server https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com --rulesets t3-group5-ruleset C:\github\Automation\Integration\API_Connect\API_governance\src\Good-API.yaml 

Pass Results 

Failed Results 

Validate one or more draft APIs (stored in the management server) Using CLI;

Create a JSON COMPLIANCE_REQUEST_FILE that specifies the location of the draft APIs and the rulesets to use during validation.

  "config" : {
    "rulesets": [
        "rulesetName": "t3-group5-ruleset",
        "disabled": ["info-contact"]

To get Draft API Url

apic draft-apis:list-all --org <target_org> --server <server_url>
apic draft-apis:list-all --server https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com --org tech-sales

To get Published API URLs

apic apis:list-all --scope catalog --catalog <target_catalog> --org <target_org> --server <server_url>
apic apis:list-all --scope catalog --catalog t3-group5-api-gov --server https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com --org tech-sales

Testing our 2 APIs againt the custom ruleset:

apic --mode governance compliance:validate_all --org <target_org> --server <server_url> COMPLIANCE_REQUEST_FILE
apic --mode governance compliance:validate_all --org tech-sales --server https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com  c:\Users\ZZ00DP832\validate.json

Validating a Catalog using CLI


Create new ruleset/rules

Create new ruleset 


apic -m governance rulesets:create --org <target_org> --server <server_url> RULESET_FILE
apic -m governance rulesets:create --org tech-sales --server https://platform-api.eu-central-a.apiconnect.automation.ibm.com  c:\Users\ZZ00DP832\ruleset.yaml

Try it with UI:

Refer to this blog to try API Governance using API Manager UI  API Governance Exercising - API Manager UI

