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API Governance Exercising - Using API Manager UI

By Sadeq Al-Rumaih posted yesterday


This blog demonstrates the API governance feature using API Manager UI in API Connect v10.0.6+.

Why API governance?

What is API Governance?

API Governance is a feature of IBM API Connect that can be used to validate and enforce organizational guidelines, policies, and standards to define how APIs should be designed, developed, deployed, and managed. It brings control and governance to various topics, including data formats, authentication and authorization, rate limiting, error handling, versioning, documentation, and testing.

The API governance service in API Connect lets you create one or more custom rulesets, each containing a collection of rules that can then be used to check Swagger, OpenAPI, and AsyncAPI documents. Governance rulesets and rules are independent of the APIs, managed as a separate class of artifacts in the API Manager with their own lifecycle and version management.

You can run validation scans on individual APIs during development, but also on your catalogs and spaces to check one or more of the existing APIs that they contain.

The result of a scan is a Scorecard Report with -

  • Quantifiable Results
  • Actionable Insights

Why do we need API Governance?

  • Does your iPaaS allow custom policies and procedures to ensure security expectations are enforced within the organization?
  • What measures does your product provide to enforce secure development practices in our organization?
  • Are all APIs designed in such a way that return codes and response messages do not expose information about the API and underlying systems?
  • Do any APIs restrict the passing of sensitive data (e.g. PII, access keys) to the body or headers?

These are all real questions asked by customers evaluating API Connect in the last 3 months (so the market is asking for it).

By linking the contract and data and automating the evaluation of those APIs against, for example, known security vulnerabilities or issues helps to ensure that APIs are consistent, secure, reliable, scalable, and easy to use for developers and consumers. Compliance with API rulesets can help improve interoperability, reduce development costs, and enhance the overall user experience.

What are the benefits of API Governance?

  • Developer Engagement: In a competitive API landscape improved API quality, consistency, and standardization of the API Contracts can make your APIs more attractive and easier to engage with during Developer Portal discovery and adoption.
  • Security: API governance requires robust and consistent security measures to be enforced. Identity and access management, encryption, and authentication protocols can all be enforced by API governance.
  • Compliance: API governance can ensure your APIs comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2 and others.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of API specifications and workflows is part of API governance. It helps to ensure consistency and transparency across the entire API lifecycle.

RuleSets and Rules

A ruleset contains a collection of rules that can be used to check Swagger, OpenAPI, and AsyncAPI documents. There are two types of ruleset in the API governance service:

  • Provider organization rulesets: these are custom rulesets that contain the rules that are created in, and are specific to, your provider organization.
  • Global rulesets: these are pre-configured IBM and Spectral rulesets that contain the rules that are shared with your provider organization and cannot be edited. Examples include IBM header validation, IBM security validation and OWASP vulnerability scanning.

A rule defines an individual validation test to be applied to APIs and the rule author can define the severity of a rule failure. An example rule might be “check if the default API key is used”.

Rulesets and rules are immutable once published and are themselves governed by version and lifecycle controls.

Rulesets and rules are expressed as YAML.

Sample APIs to use

Validating and Testing

Validating an API document using UI


To test an API against a rule:

  • Open the API and click on Validate with rulesets 

  • Select the ruleset 
  • Select the rules and click Validate 

  • Test results: 

MultiVersions API Test:

In this example, we have an API "API for governance showcase" version 0.9.0 which does not match the validation criteria 

The validation test shows 2 findings! 

In the new version of this API 1.0.0, the validation comments have been fixed 

The validation test on the new version is successful 

Validating a Catalog using UI

  • Click on API Governance 

  • Click on New Scan
  • Select the catalog and click Next 

  • Select the Ruleset:
  • Select the Rule: 

  • Give the scan a name and run it:
  • Browse to view the report: 

Create new ruleset/rules

Create a new ruleset using UI


How to enable Governance

To enable API Governance in API Connect v10.0.6+ :
Enable on Kubernetes

Enable on VMware

More information

API governance official documentation 

Try it with CLI:

Refer to this blog to try API Governance using CLI  API Governance Exercising - Using CLI

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