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Disabling instana-autotrace for IBM API Connect

By Saber Hamidi posted Tue March 19, 2024 05:52 AM


The Instana auto-trace is a good automated tracing feature of Instana that helps developers and DevOps teams gain deep insights into the performance of their applications by automatically tracing requests as they flow through various microservices. However, having Instana auto-trace enabled on your cluster will interfere with the communication of our portal pods and cause our pods to fail to get READY or result in some unexpected side effects. 

Based on the type of environment, the commands below could be used to disable the instana-autotrace for IBM API Connect on the portal cluster.


oc patch portalcluster PORTALCLUSTER-NAME -n NAMESPACE --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"template":[{"labels":{"instana-autotrace":"false"},"name":"www"}]}}'


kubectl patch portalcluster PORTALCLUSTER-NAME -n NAMESPACE --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"template":[{"labels":{"instana-autotrace":"false"},"name":"www"}]}}'


kubectl patch portalcluster PORTALCLUSTER-NAME --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"template":[{"labels":{"instana-autotrace":"false"},"name":"www"}]}}'

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The common above may cause the pods to restart and after that, any networking issue that was caused by the instana-autotrace will be resolved. 

