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Why API and Microservices Management is the perfect marriage - Transformation your digital solutions with API Connect and Istio Whitepaper

By ROB THELEN posted Wed July 25, 2018 02:04 PM


Are you ready for the Istio revolution?

Istio is a service mesh platform built on top of Kubernetes that is radically simplifying how microservices are deployed, monitored, and routed. IBM is a major contributor to the Istio open-source project, providing thought leadership and delivering functionality to the community. IBM API Connect is uniquely positioned to be a leader in exposing microservice based applications as APIs.  As the only API Management solution that utilizes true microservice architecture on Kubernetes, we understand, like few others, where microservices management ends and API management starts.

Leapfrog the competition, learn about Istio today!

Istio is a true opportunity to take your microservice journey to the next level.  Want to learn more about how Istio can be used alongside IBM's API Connect?  Read about our vision for microservice and API management in our technical white paper (part 1).

Download the white paper today:

