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npm install -g config:set server=beta.apim.ibmcloud.comapim login
apim create --type product --title "Travel Information" --apis product.yaml
x-ibm-configuration:enforced: truephase: realizedtestable: truecors:enabled: trueassembly:execute:- invoke:title: invoketarget-url: 'backend url'(full file)
x-ibm-configuration:enforced: truephase: realizedtestable: truecors:enabled: trueassembly:execute:- invoke:title: invoketarget-url: 'backend url'
npm install -g config:set server=beta.apim.ibmcloud.comapim login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD apim config:set organization=apim push docs/swagger.yamlapim stage --catalog=sb docs/travel-information.yamlapim publish --catalog=sb docs/travel-information.yaml
If you don’t already have a CodeShip account you can sign up to CodeShip with your github account and create link in your github repository. You can then set up the tests and deployment steps in the project settings.
(This post originally appeared at
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